Calyptomyrmex clavatus Weber
Type location Kenya
(Calyptomyrmex (Calyptomyrmex)
new species, Weber, 1952: 23, illustrated, worker; Bolton, 1981a: 65,
queen) near Tanzania border, 1º25'S 35º10'E, N A Weber, 27.i.1948 - no
images on Antweb (September 2014)
Worker and queen only known (Bolton, 1981a, illustrated, dorsum of
pedicel and base of gaster) .
(1952) description is at .
Bolton's modern description (1987) is at
Collected as on card; also known from Ethiopia,
at Harrar (collector unknown) and Zaïre,
Yangambi, by M. Maldague (Bolton, 1981a).