Camponotus (Myrmotrema) auropubens Forel
Type location Mozambique
(Camponotus foraminosus Forel, r. auropubens, n. stirps,
Forel, 1894b: 67, worker; raised to species Santschi, 1915c: 267)
collected at Delagoa Bay by Dr Liengme
(Camponotus (Myrmotrema) auropubens
For. var. Absalon n. var.,
Santschi, 1915c: 274, major & minor workers & queen) from South
Africa, Natal, Tragardh - see
argentopubens (Camponotus
foraminosus Forel subsp. auropubens
Forel var. argentopubens
Forel, n. var., Forel, 1909b: 66; in key of
Santschi, 1915c: 268, queen) from Angola - see
(Camponotus (Myrmotrema) auropubens
For. var. Jacob n. var.,
Santschi, 1915c: 275, worker) from Mozambique, vallée du
Pongué, Guengera, G Vasse, 1906 - see below major & minor workers & queen only described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1894b) description is at . Emery (1895a) described what he took to
be workers with TL 8 mm or less; this is at , the specimens, however were from Somalia
and I suspect may not be of this species. Santschi's (1915c)
description of absalon and jacob is at ; Arnold (1924: 724, 728) gave a
translation; this, with absalon, is at .
Forel (1909b) separated new variety argentopubens
as -
queen, TL 10.5 mm, head as auropubens, wide and slightly
narrowed anteriorly, with similar sculpture; but the pubescence and
pilosity exactly matches grandidieri; head shiny posteriorly;
mesonotum shiny; wings smoky brown; fossettes as auropubens.
photomontage is of a queen from South Africa, Kruger National Park;
collector Sam
This appears to match the absalom
queen as described by Santschi, i.e. with the matt alitrunk dorsum and
the wings smoky brownish yellow with brown nerves and patches.