The Ants of Africa
Genus Camponotus subgenus Paramyrmamblys
Camponotus (Paramyrmamblys) bertolonii Emery

Camponotus (Paramyrmamblys) bertolonii Emery

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location South Africa (Camponotus Bertolonii n. sp., Emery, 1895h: 51, major & minor workers & queen; Mayr, 1901b: 28, male) Cape Town; all forms known .

Emery's (1895h) description is at {original description}; the comparison he makes is with Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) aethiops (junior synonym marginatus) from Europe and the Middle East. Mayr's (1901b) description of the male is at {original description} Arnold (1922: 651) gave a translation; this is at {original description}.

{Camponotus bertolonii minor}The photomontage of a minor worker from the type collection is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
