The Ants of Africa
Genus Camponotus subgenus Myrmopelta
Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus Gerstäcker

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus Gerstäcker

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type locality Kenya (Camponotus chrysurus n. sp., Gerstäcker, 1871: 355, worker; Forel, 1899b: 308, major & media) Endara (in Taita) - see below.
acutisquamis (Camponotus acutisquamis n. sp., Mayr, 1902: 296, soldier & worker; as Camponotus chrysurus Gerst. subsp. acutisquamis Mayr, in Forel, 1910c: 269; Forel, 1913e: 670, queen; Forel, 1916: 44, male; Camponotus (Myrmopleta) chrysurus Gerst. stirps acutisquamis Mayr var. dotalis n. var., Santschi, 1926a: 20, worker, from Congo) from Cameroun, collected at Bojongo, by R. Buchholz - see
securifer (Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) yvonnae Forel subsp. securifer n., Emery, 1920c: 28, soldier, worker & queen) from Cameroun - see below
apellis (Camponotus chrysurus Gerst. subsp. acutisquamis var. apellis n. var., Forel, 1910c: 269, soldier & worker; Wheeler, 1922: 972) from Angola - see below
yvonnae (Camponotus (Myrmamblys) Yvonnae n. sp., Forel, 1920c: 480, queen; variety of chrysurus by Santschi, 1926a: 20) from Zaïre, collected at Kisangani [Stanleyville], by Kohl - no images on Antweb (January 2019)
(see Bolton, 1995) .

Gerstaecker's (1871) description is at {original description}. Forel's (1899b) description of the soldier & media is at {original description}. Mayr's (1902) description of acutisquamis is at {original description}. Forel (1910c) gave more including acutisquamis and apellis; this is at {original description} Forel's (1916) description of the male of acutisquamis is at {original description} Forel's (1920) description of yvonnae is at {original description} Emery's (1920c) description of securifer is at {original description}. Santschi (1926a) separated dotalis as having blackish not reddish antennae.

Forel (1915c) reported collections at St. Gabriel, Zaïre, by Kohl - in a hollow tree, population very numerous, the cavity in the tree was 20 cm in diameter and contained a nest made up of carton forming horizontal cases.

The previously undescribed FEMALE he noted as TL 13-14; head a third longer than wide posteriorly, an elongated trapezoid, slightly wider posteriorly, with the occipital border weakly concave. The anterior two thirds of the clypeus subtruncate, more strongly in the workers, as with some Myrmamblys. The scape surpasses the occiput by one and a half times its width. Head a little narrower than the thorax. Mesonotum and scutellum subopaque or feebly shiny. Wings slightly brownish tinted, especially the radial cell. Otherwise like the worker (see the bottom of this page).

Wheeler (1922) also listed a Cameroun finding of acutisquamis by Conradt.

Eguagie (1971) also reported it from Agodi and Mamu in Nigeria but see barbarossa.

From Ghana, Strickland (1951a) described it as an arboreal species found on mature cocoa. Later collected by Room (1971) in 19 cocoa canopy samples, with one case of it as a dominant. In his studies of the fauna of cocoa mistletoe (Room, 1972a, 1975), it was 23rd in terms of insect abundance (160 individuals). Seven workers were collected by pkd from the canopy of Amelonado cocoa at CRIG by Bigger (1981a).

Bernard (1952) reported it, as "ssp acutisquamus", from Guinea, slightly abundant in savanna at Ziéla and Kéoulenta; Camp IV at 1000 m; Camp II, at 1500 m; crests at 1300 and 1600 m.

{Camponotus chrysurus}The photomontage of the type major worker is collated from

{Camponotus chrysurus}The photomontage of a (?) media worker from the type collection is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
E Poirier
Nimba County
07°33’38" N
08°32’33" E
SLAM trap
Secondary forest
473 m asl

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
G Debout & A Dalecky
Cameroon 106

3°13.53' N
10°15.07' E
on lianas and dead tree trunk in a treefall gap 2
Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
A Fotso Kuate
Sample 31

03°54'30" N
11°25'58" E

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
04°22'19.4" N
18°35'49.7" E
360 m; 17h30-4h; Bangui après la corniche direction N'garagba
Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
03°03'58.3" N
16°08'59.6" E
528 m; Camp 1; Journée; Au camp
Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
03°03'58.3" N
16°08'59.6" E
528 m; Camp 1; Journée; Au camp 1

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
02°55'04.8" N
16°10'09.7 E
Camp 6; Au camp
Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
02°55'04.8" N
16°10'09.7 E
Camp 6; U.V : 21h-6h30, à 38m du sol dans un Ayous (Triplochiton scleroxylon, Sterculariaceae); 450 m asl 4

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
02°55'04.8" N
16°10'09.7 E
Camp 6; Abords de la rivière Mossoumba dans la forêt, 11h-14h

Camponotus (Myrmopelta) chrysurus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
2°27'11.6"N 16°04'58.7"E
343 m; jour, à vue derrière le village, Molongo, strate arbustive (Casside land)

{Camponotus chrysurus major} The photomontage is of a major collected in Cameroun - south-western tropical coastal forest area between Edéa and Campo (McKey Wolbachia project) - Cameroon 106 from location JFK (Joung Forest nr Nkolo - at 3°13.53' N 10°15.07'; flat land, liable to flooding), 24 April 2001, on lianas and dead tree trunk in a treefall gap.

I have separated these out as chrysurus on the basis of the differences from Camponotus barbarossa -
Both morphs are lighter built and smaller. Scapes surpassing the occipital margin. Alitrunk generally more convex in profile. The petiole of the major has a fairly sharp apex with no median indentation. Sparser and finer erect hairs, generally shinier under the pilosity (but not polished like Camponotus vividus).

{Camponotus chrysurus minor}Minor from Cameroun, details as above.

Major & minor specimens collected in Cameroun, Ndengue; 11.ix.2008; collected by A Fotso Kuate; can be seen in the folder at {original description}.

{Camponotus chrysurus apellis}The photomontage is a cotype of Camponotus chrysurus apellis from Angola. The original photographs (mislabelled Camponotus vividus F Smith 1858), together with enlarged images, are from the MCZ, Harvard University, website at - MCZ link.

{Camponotus chrysurus queen}The photomontage is of a queen from the Central African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha Nature Reserve; collector Philippe Annoyer (CAR HG).

{Camponotus chrysurus yvonnae major}The photomontage is of a major of a larger size than the Cameroun type (?) form; this appears to match the yvonnae major and is from the Central African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha Nature Reserve, 14.x.2008; Journée; Camp 1; 03°03'58.3" N 16°08'59.6" E 528 m; Au camp; collector Philippe Annoyer. Other images can be seen in the folder at - {original description}.

{Camponotus chrysurus yvonnae media}The photomontage is of a media of a larger size than the Cameroun type (?) form; this which appears to match the yvonnae media is from the Central African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha Nature Reserve, 14.x.2008; Journée; Camp 1; 03°03'58.3" N 16°08'59.6" E 528 m; Au camp; collector Philippe Annoyer.

{Camponotus chrysurus securifer}The photomontage of a securifer media worker from the type collection is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
