Camponotus (Myrmotrema) confluens Forel
Type location Zaïre
(Camponotus (Myrmamblys) confluens
n. sp., Forel, 1913b: 342, major & minor workers) collected at
Welgelegen, by
J. Bequaert, also from Sankisia - see below
bequaerti (Camponotus
(Myrmamblys) confluens Forel
v. Bequaerti n. v., Forel, 1913b: 343, major & minor
workers &
queen) from Zaïre, collected at Sankisia, by Bequaert - see
(Camponotus (Myrmamblys) confluens
var. trematogaster n. var., Santschi, 1915c: 266, worker) from Zaïre,
collected at Lake
Nyanza, Katanga, by Dr Gérard -
all forms known (see Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1913b) description is at ; with bequaerti at . Santschi (1926c: 599)
description of the type is at .
Santschi (1915c) described trematogaster, in
comparison with the type, as follows -
MAJOR - TL 4.5-7.0 mm; gaster with more dense puncturated sculpture but
no transverse striations; in bequaerti the sculpturation is
reticulate (in the minor the abdomen sculpture is as in the type);
mandibles, antennae, tibiae and tarsi clear yellow rust; head longer
than wide.