Camponotus (Myrmosericus) cosmicus (F. Smith)
Type location South
Africa (Formica cosmica, F. Smith, 1858b: 34, major &
workers; subspecies of Camponotus rufoglaucus Emery, 1895h: 49;
Arnold, 1924: 693; revived status as species, Santschi, 1935a: 280,
name only in combination Camponotus
(Myrmosericus) cosmicus Smith v. anthracinus Santschi); major &
workers only known (see Bolton, 1995) .
F Smith's (1858b) description is at . Emery (1895h) separated it from the rufoglaucus
type in his key, noting its small size, TL 4.5-7.0 mm, propodeum angle
rounded, black, gaster with golden pubescence, brilliant. Arnold (1924)
described Smith's description as useless and relied on Emery's note,
this is at .
Mike Lush (pers. comm.) has examined specimens of cosmicus
and the presence of subcephalic hairs is a consistent feature. These
can be seen in the specimen below although only parts are dark near