Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) euchrous Santschi -
new status
Type location French
Sudan (Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus F. v. euchrous
n. var., Santschi, 1926b: 267, queen) - i.e. in the western Sahel and
not modern Sudan, as given by Bolton (1995] - no images on
Antweb (September 2014) .
Santschi's (1926b) description of the queen is at .
Translated = v euchrous n. var. - head,
alitrunk and appendages red often quite bright; more slender; petiole
scale higher; gaster black; pubescence greyish yellow; from "French
With the fresh specimen shown below, I have separated this from the
"type form" Camponotus
photomontage is of what appears to be a major worker from Niger,
Niamey Airport,
13°28'38"N 02°10'31"E, elev 227 m; 20.viii.2006; David King. Two
individuals sighted, one captured; foraging during the day.
This shows the slender form, quite bright red head and
appendages, plus a black gaster. The clypeus is quite distinct from
that of sericeus,
in having no median carina but with the
anterior margin with the median part concave and quite prominent
denticles between the median arc and the lateral arcuate sectors. The
forward pointing hairs on the clypeus margin are noticeably finer than
on sericeus