Camponotus (Paramyrmamblys) ferreri Forel
Type location Cameroun
(Camponotus (Myrmamblys) Ferreri
n. sp., Forel, 1913e: 671, queen) collected by L Conradt - no images on
Antweb (September 2014)
akka (Camponotus
(Myrmamblys) Ferreri For. r. akka
n. stirps, Forel, 1916: 446, minor worker & queen) Zaïre,
collected by H Kohl - see below
cavisquamis (Camponotus
(Paramyrmamblys) ferreri For. stirps cavisquamis n. st., Santschi,
1926c: 604,
queen) Kenya, Voir, Alluaud & Jeannel - see
worker and queen described (see Bolton,
1995) .
Forel's (1913e) description is at . Forel's (1916) description of akka
is at . Santschi's (1926c)
description of cavisquamis is at
Although images of the cavisquamis queen are
available on Antweb (link above), the type and akka queens are
not and the differences described by Forel and Santschi lead me to
wonder if the "subspecies" statuses are correct as regards possible