Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) guttatus Emery
Type location Cameroun
(Camponotus maculatus F.
subsp. guttatus n. subsp.,
Emery, 1899e: 498, major & minor workers & queen; Forel, 1913e:
male) collected by Conradt - see below
junior synonym brevitibialis (unavailable name Camponotus
(Myrmoturba) maculatus st. radamoides
var. brevitibialis, Santschi, 1920g: 181, major & minor
from South Africa Zululand, Trägōrdh; referred to guttatus
by Baroni
Urbani (1972: 132) - no images on Antweb (September 2014)
all forms described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Emery's (1899e) description is at . Forel's (1913e) description of the male
is at . Santschi's (1920g) note
of brevitibialis is at , Baroni Urbani (1972)
simply noted brevitibialis was indistinguishable from guttatus.
Emery (1920c: 6) listed as a subspecies minusculus
(Viehmeyer, 1914c: 44, soldier, worker & queen) from Tanzania.
Santschi (1915c) in comparison with Camponotus
maculatus miserabilis noted how the specimen of a minusculus
major sent to him by Viehmeyer had a shorter head which
was more convex laterally, the frontal carinae were wider apart and the
genae had short silky hairs (none in miserabilis); also the
petiole scale was slightly lower. He thought minusculus was
close to Camp. traegaordhi (type location South Africa,
Santschi, 1914e), from which it differed by its shorter length and less
distinctly patchy gaster. With fresh specimens from the area of the
type location, I now regard the mostly black Camponotus
(Tanaemyrmex) minusculus as a quite distinct and well defined
Also from Congo areas (Wheeler, 1922), taken
"only at night-fall, visiting the tables in the camp.... shy and fast
Bernard (1952) recorded it from Guinea, Mt.
Nimba, Area E and Mount Tô, both at 1600 m; citing it as a rare insect,
known from Cameroun and Congo; intermediate between maculatus
and traegaordhi (known from South Africa and Zimbabwe).