Camponotus (Myrmotrema) haereticus Santschi
Type location Nigeria
(Camponotus (Myrmotrema) foraminosus For. stirps haereticus
n. st., Santschi, 1914d: 382, major & minor workersr; raised to
by Santschi, 1915c: 269; Wheeler, 1922, who retained it as a
collected at Olokemeji, by F. Silvestri, in 1913 - see below
Major and minor workers only described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Santschi's (1914d) description is at .
Separated in Santschi's key (1915c) by - genae with
shallow hair pits smaller than intervening spaces and hairs very short
or absent; propodeal dorsum only slightly narrowed, shorter than
declivity; pubescence white, short and translucent, gastral dorsum
without median glabrous line; silky hairs quite short; overall
semi-matt; genae shiny; colour black.
specimens (as Camponotus foraminosus
dorsalis, Taylor, 1978: 7).
MAJOR. TL 7.35 mm, HL 2.02, HW 2.05, SL 1.56, PW 1.34
MINOR. TL 4.37 mm, HL 1.28, HW 1.09, SL 1.28, PW 1.00
Colour black, extremities dark red-brown, shiny. Sculpturation of fine
puncturation coarsest on the head, especially on major where it is
almost foveolate in nature. Coarse erect white hairs relatively
abundant, also covered all over with a moderately dense silvery
pilosity. Declivity of propodeum an obtuse near right-angle. Petiole a
sharp scale, with a line of coarse hairs along transverse dorsal edge.
It was quite common on cocoa, on up to 1.5% of trees, both at the Cocoa
Research Institute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre, and at 27/76 farms (Taylor,
1977; Taylor & Adedoyin, 1978). Probably the species named as Camponotus
rufoglaucus species group by Booker (1968) and present in >10%
of his pkd samples from the W13/2 and W18/1 blocks at CRIN.
Also from Ghana (Aburi, F. Silvestri) and Congo
(Lukolela, by Kang & Chapin, in Wheeler, 1922).