The Ants of Africa
Genus Camponotus subgenus Paramyrmamblys
Camponotus (Paramyrmamblys) lilianae Forel

Camponotus (Paramyrmamblys) lilianae Forel

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Zaïre (Camponotus (Myrmamblys) Lilianae n. sp., Forel, 1913b: 344, major & minor workers) collected at Sankisia, by J. Bequaert - see below
subspecies cornutus (Camponotus (Myrmamblys) Lilianae Forel r. cornutus n. stirps, Forel 1913b: 345, major worker) Zaïre, collected at Lumbumbashi [Elizabethville], by J. Bequaert - see below
major & minor workers (see Bolton, 1995) .

Forel's (1913b) description is at {original description}; with cornutus at {original description}. Santschi (1926c) gave a description, this is at {original description}

{Camponotus lilianae}The photomontage of the type major worker is collated from

{Camponotus lilianae}The photomontage of the type minor worker is collated from

{Camponotus cornutus}The photomontage of the cornutus type major worker is collated from Note: This clearly is a different species with the head being near smooth.  The Forel description of cornutus gives the location as Elisabethville, Katanga, Dr Bequaert.  The label here is Port Elisabeth, South Africa.

© 2007, 2011, 2014 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
