Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) negus Forel - new status
Type locality Ethiopia
(Camponotus maculatus F. subsp. negus n. subsp., Forel,
1907c: 142, all forms; subspecies of thraso according to Emery,
1920c: 6) Kounhi - see below
agricola (Camponotus
maculatus subsp. Agricola,
Forel 1910e: 454, major & minor workers) South Africa,
Natal, Wroughton - see
unavailable names
assabensis (C. maculatus ssp adenensis
var assabensis, Emery, 1893f: 258, worker) Eritrea -
beritchi (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus
F. r. negus For. v. Beritchi
n. v., Forel, 1915c: 348, worker) South Africa, George, Cape
Province, H Brauns - no images on Antweb (October 2014)
etiennei (Camponotus
maculatus subsp. negus
Forel var. Etiennei n. var.
Forel, 1910e: 453, major & minor workers) Zaïre, Banana, Dr
Etienne - see
all forms described (see
Bolton, 1995) .
The type locality of thraso is Sri Lanka and
subspecies range across to Israel; it seems unlikely that negus
would be a subspecies with a range the length of eastern Africa, so I
have taken negus as a full species. I am also including:
montinanus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) thraso
var montinanus,
Santschi, 1926b: 251, major & minor workers, from Zimbabwe
- see below
and nefassitensis
(Camponotus maculatus subsp. negus Forel var. nefassiensis n. var.,
Forel, 1910c: 266; Menozzi, 1931a: 155, major & minor workers, name
distribution only) from Ethiopia, Nefassit - see below (also
from Eritrea,
Finzi, 1939a: 160) as probable subspecies.
Note tacitus (Camponotus
maculatus race agricola,
Forel var. tacitus, Santschi,
1919b: 240, major & minor
workers) South Africa, Natal, Haviland - see
is a light red-brown form and probably is unrelated to negus.
Forel's (1907c) description is at ; his (1910e) description of agricola
is at ; his (1910e) description
of etiennei is at ; his (1910c) description
of nefassitensis is at ; and his (1915c)
description of beritchi is at . Arnold's (1922: 648) translation, as maculatus
race negus variety beritschi, is at and his (1922: 647) translation, as maculatus
race agricola, is at . Santschi's (1926b)
description of montinanus is at . Arnold's (1926: 293)
translation of tacitus, is at
Emery (1893f) simply noted on assabensis that a
worker specimen from Assab differed from adenensis in having
the gaster without striolate sculpture but being irregularly
transversely reticulo-punctate.