The Ants of Africa
Genus Camponotus subgenus Myrmosaga
Camponotus (Myrmosaga) quadrimaculatus Forel

Madagascar species for comparative purposes - transferred from Mayria

Camponotus (Myrmosaga) quadrimaculatus Forel - status as in Forel (1912i)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Madagascar (Camponotus quadrimaculatus n. sp., Forel, 1886c: cii, major & minor workers) collector M Grandidier
subspecies immaculatus (Camponotus quadrimaculatus Forel var. immaculatuss nov. var., Forel, 1892l: 233, with queen) Madagascar
opacatus (Camponotus quadrimaculatus Forel var. opacta n. nov., Emery, 1925b: 123; prior var. opaca, Emery, 1899f: 290) Madagascar
sellaris (Camponotus quadrimaculatus Forel subsp. sellaris n. subsp., Emery, 1895f: 344, illustrated, worker) Madagascar (see Bolton, 1995).

{Camponotus (Mayria) quadrimaculatus sellaris}Forel's (1886c) description is at {original description}. Emery's (1895f) description of sellaris is at {original description}.

{Camponotus (Myrmosaga) quadrimaculatus}WORKER - TL 5-7.6 mm. Head of major cordiform, very large, sides strongly convex, distinctly excavated behind. Mandibles with six teeth, hairy, with sparse large puncturations, very finely striate and reticulate. Clypeus carinate, extended forward medially into a near rectangular lobe (anterior border slightly concave). Thorax narrow, widened anteriorly and narrowed posteriorly. Pro- and mesonotum evenly convex. Basal face of propodeum (metanotum) distinctly excavated longitudinally to form a saddle; declivity short, almost flat; transition between dorsum and declivity a rounded hump. Petiole scale low, rather wider than high, storngly convex in front, flat behind. Legs moderate.
Head puncturate like a thimble and slightly shiny in the major; finely reticulate and very shiny in the minor. Cheeks and face with several large deep puncturations. Thorax very finely reticulate-striated transversely. Gaster very finely transversely striate, with sparse puncturations.
Pubescence very short and very fine, yellowish white over all whole body. Pilosity erect, quite long, yellowish white, quite sparse throughout and absent on the tibiae and scapes.
Shiny black, with a large whitish rounded square patch on the dorsum of each side of the first two gaster segments. Legs and antennae brown. Anterior half of mandibles reddish brown. Anterior of head, part of pronotum and posterior angles of head often deep chestnut brown. Posterior border of gaster segments yellowish.

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