Camponotus (Myrmotrema) troglodytes Forel
Type location Mozambique
(Camponotus troglodites n.
spec., Forel, 1894b: 69, worker; Camponotus
troglodytes, Forel, 1904b: 377, queen from Ethiopia, Danakil; Santschi,
40, major; Arnold, 1924: 727, male) Delagoa Bay, Dr Liengme - see below
abyssinicus (Camponotus
(Myrmotrema) troglodites Forel var. abyssinica n. var., Santschi,
1913c: 314, queen) Ethiopia, Dire Doua, J Roger - see
assumptionis (Camponotus
(Myrmotrema) troglodytes For. race assumptionis stirps nov., Crawley,
1921: 95, major & minor
workers) Aldabra Is, 1916, P R Dupont - no images on Antweb
September 2014
rhodesianus (Camponotus
(Myrmotrema) troglodytes For. v. rhodesiana n. v., Forel, 1913a:
145, major & minor workers; Arnold, 1924: 726, queen) Zimbabwe,
Redbank, G Arnold - see
Forel's (1894b) description of troglodytes is at
Forel's (1904a) description of the queen is at
Forel's (1913a) description of rhodesiana is at ; Santschi's (1913c)
description of abyssinicus is at ; Arnold (1924) gave a
translation of Camponotus robecchii var. troglodytes;
this is at , with that of rhodesianus
at . Crawley's (1921)
description of assumptionis is at .
I suggest that the placement of troglodytes and
its variations under Camponotus
robecchii is incorrect, as troglodytes
has a smoothly convex alitrunk with a smoother transition from the
propodeum dorsum to declivity. Furthermore it seems that troglodytes
and its variations, i.e. all except robecchii
sensu stricto are all essentially brick-red, with variability in
darkness, whereas robecchii is essentially dark-red brown with
even darker areas. One perhaps could add the Camponotus foraminosus
Forel r. Cuitenis n. st." of Forel (1901d: 309, minor worker?),
from Angola, Cubango-Cuito, Mossamedes; minor (?) TL 6.5 mm, as
a junior synonym of troglodytes
see .