The Ants of Africa
Genus Cataulacus
Cataulacus erinaceus Stitz

Cataulacus erinaceus Stitz

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server}Type location Equatorial Guinea (Cataulacus erinaceus n. sp., Stitz, 1910, illustrated; Forel, 1913h: 350, queen) collected at Alen. by Tessmann - see below
junior synonym crassispina (Cataulacus erinaceus Stitz var. crassispina n. var., 1910Santschi, 1917b, worker) from Congo, Goda, collected by P. Chaleuf -
plus material of nomen nudum princeps (Emery, in Forel, 1909b: 71) from Cameroun - see below.
(see Bolton, 1995) .

{Cataulacus erinaceus}Stitz's (1910) description is at {original description} and {original description}. Forel's (1913h) description of the queen is at {original description} Santschi's (1917d) description of crassispina is at {original description} Bolton's modern description (1974a) is at {original description}

{Cataulacus erinaceus}WORKER - TL 8.1-9.5 mm; diagnostic features as in key; very easily recognisable from size and sculpturation (Bolton, 1974a, illustrated full-face head and dorsal alitrunk); worker only known.

Forel (1909b) recorded the finding of Cataulacus princeps Emery, from Sankuru, Zaïre, by Luja, but with no other information. Later (1915c), he recorded it from Batiamponde, Zaïre, collected by Kohl, and "under bark".

In Ghana from the Atewa Forest Reserve (C.A. Collingwood; D. Leston).

Syntypes from Cameroun, at Mundame (L. Conradt, ? in Stitz, 1910); others from Meyo (C.A. Collingwood). Also collected widely from - Liberia, at Belleyella, Degain and Du River (W.M. Mann); and eastwards to Zaïre (Bolton, 1974a).

Reported from Guinea, Mt. Nimba area, Mount Tô, four workers from station T 236, forest (Bernard (1952).

Apparently a deep forest species, known from large forest trees, and pictured in Hölldobler & Wilson (1990, page 101).

Cataulacus erinaceusThe photomontage of a cotype worker is collated from

Cataulacus erinaceus princepsThe photomontage of the worker of princeps is collated from
Note. Probably collected by L Conradt, who collected a number of species in Cameroun that were described by Emery (1899e). Forel (1909b: 71) listed by name only a finding of Cataulacus princeps Emery at Sankuru, Congo, by Luja. Emery (1922f: 296) catalogued it under C. erinaceus, as "sine descr.".  The worker here is notably smaller, HW 2.11 mm, than the type form and the range given by Bolton (1974a: 52) of HW = 2.22-2.70 mm.

Oxford University Museum specimens

Cataulacus erinaceus
B Taylor det.

G Debout & A Dalecky
Cameroon 103

3°13.31' N
10°15.01' E
on an understorey tree
Cataulacus erinaceus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
03°01'49.5" N
16°08'31.7" E
567 m; Camp 2; 18h-23h; A la base du kungu, à 50 m du camp

Cataulacus erinaceus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
03°01'49.5" N
16°08'31.7" E
567 m; Camp 2; Nuit; Au camp

Cataulacus erinaceus
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
02°49’07.9" N
16°09’28.3" E
Camp 2; A vu : 11h-14h30, abords du camp; 377m asl
Cataulacus erinaceus
B Taylor det.
A Fotso Kuate
Cataulacus sp10
03°54'30" N
11°25'58" E
Quadrat in fallow

{Cataulacus erinaceus}The photomontage is of a worker from the Central African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha NP; collector Philippe Annoyer (CAR EB).

{Cataulacus erinaceus}The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun, Matomb; collector A Fotso Kuate (Cataulacus fk sp 10).

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
