The Ants of Africa
Genus Cataulacus
Cataulacus kenyensis Santschi

Cataulacus kenyensis Santschi

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Kenya (Cataulacus Jeanneli Sants. stirps kenyensis nov., Santschi, 1935b: 272, illustrated, worker; junior synonym of weissi in Bolton, 1974a: 39; revived from synonymy and raised to species Bolton, 1982: 358) .

{Cataulacus kenyensis}Santschi's (1935b) description is at {original description}.

WORKER - TL 3.6 mm (Bolton, 1982: 358, not illustrated, and not described).

Key separation note - stout hairs on cephalic dorsum sparse, not giving appearnce of a bristly pelt (cf Cataulacus cestus); line across dorsum of head at midlength with no more than 10 hairs; hairs on dorsum of head conspicuously spatulate, broadly convex apically, their sides shallowly convex and convergent basally.

Cataulacus kenyensisThe photomontage of the type worker is collated from,

Oxford University Museum specimens

Cataulacus kenyensis
B Taylor det.

G McGavin
tree 5-17

3°54.75' S
37°48.58' E
pkd collection from Acacia zanzibarica; L95937M 0393296 UTM 9555510
Cataulacus kenyensis
B Taylor det.
G McGavin
tree 5-26

3°54.75' S
37°48.58' E
pkd collection from Acacia zanzibarica; 37M 0374778 UTM 9553640
Cataulacus kenyensis
B Taylor det.
G McGavin
tree 5-28

3°54.75' S
37°48.58' E
pkd collection from Acacia zanzibarica; 37M 0374778 UTM 9553640 2
Cataulacus kenyensis
B Taylor det.
G McGavin
tree 5-28

3°54.75' S
37°48.58' E
pkd collection from Acacia zanzibarica; 37M 0374778 UTM 9553640 1
Cataulacus kenyensis
B Taylor det.
G McGavin
tree 5-63

3°54.75' S
37°48.58' E
pkd collection from Acacia nilotica; 37M 0375103 UTM 9570896

{Cataulacus kenyensisi}

WORKER - TL 2.74-3.08 mm, HL 0.85, HW 0.85, SL ca 0.4, PW 0.55

The photomontage is of a worker from Tanzania, Mkomazi Game Reserve; collector G C McGavin (Tree 5-17).

In general form somewhat similar to Cataulacus cestus but head covered in stud-like hairs and not very short erect bristles. In full-face view the head is uniquely square, albeit with weakly convex sides; when tilted slightly backwards the shape is broadly ovoid, even the clypeal margin being weakly convex. Very distinctive sculpturation and large eyes. Occipital corners of head and sides of head behind the eyes without denticles. Dorsum of head strongly reticulate with no rugosity. Alitrunk dorsum weakly rugose, longitudinal on top of the pronotum, rugae running obliquely on the lateral alitrunk. Dorsal and lateral surfaces of petiole and postpetiole are longitudinally rugose. Femora also strongly longitudinally rugose. Hairs on all dorsal surfaces numerous, progressively shorter and stouter anteriorly, those on anterior of cephalic dorsum, especially the clypeus, strongly clavate. Pronotum is strongly marginate, with the humeral angles with a very small triangular tooth; margination with minute denticles no more than the bases of the minute erect hairs, terminating posteriorly in a single larger denticle close to the promesonotal junction. Mesonotum and propodeum not marginate but with a few minute denticles. Propodeal spines moderately long elongated triangles and angled upwards posteriorly.

Apparently commensal with Crematogaster mimosae on Trees 5/17 and 5/26, Acacia zanzibarica; the same trees also had numbers of Tetraponera bifoveolata.

{Cataulacus kenyensisi} The photomontage is of a queen from Tanzania, Mkomazi Game Reserve; collector G C McGavin (Tree 5-28).

{Cataulacus kenyensisi} The photomontage is of a male from Tanzania, Mkomazi Game Reserve; collector G C McGavin (Tree 5-28).

© 2007, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
