Centromyrmex feae (Emery)
Type location Burma (Myanmar) (Spalacomyrmex feae,
Emery, 1889b: 491, illustrated, worker; Forel, 190d: 303, queen &
male; combination in Centromyrmex, Emery, 1890b: 40,
footnote); junior synonym donisthorpei (Menozzi, 1925c:
443, illustrated, queen; synonymy by Brown, 1955f: 103) from Philippines:
subspecies ceylonicus (Forel, 1900d: 303, worker &
male) from Sri Lanka; and greeni (Forel, 1901f:
325, worker) from Singapore.
Emery's (1889b) description is at
Forel's (1900d) description of ceylonicus is at
Forel's (1901f) description of greeni is at
Menozzi's (1925c) description of donisthorpei is at