Cerapachys foreli (Santschi)
Type locality Ghana (Phyracaces
Foreli n. sp., Santschi, 1914d: 309, worker; Santschi, 1915c: 245,
queen; combination in Cerapachys and synonymy, Brown, 1975: 22)
collected at Aburi, by F. Silvestri, 1913 - see below
junior synonyms
(Phyracaces langi new species, Wheeler, 1922: 54, illustrated,
worker &
queen) from Zaïre - no images on Antweb (March 2015)
santschii (Phyracaces
santschii new species, Wheeler, 1922: 56, queen) from Gabon -
no images on Antweb (March 2015) (see
Bolton, 1995) .
Note I have revived Cerapachys
occipitalis (Bernard) from Brown's synonymy.
Santschi's (1914d) description is at and his (1915c) description of the female,
from Gabon, Samkita, by F. Faure, with small diagrams of female
and worker petiole dorsum) is at . Wheeler's (1922) descriptions of langi
and santschii are at
From Ghana, probably this species was reported
from cocoa leaf litter by
Room (1971). Collected by pkd at Kade by Majer (1975); and described as
widespread by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b), 55 workers from leaf litter
samples at eleven sites in the semi-deciduous forest zone.
The Zaïre finding was a single collection of 7 workers
and 8 females taken nesting in "mushroom-shaped termitarium against a
tree in the forest" (by Lang & Chapin, in Wheeler, 1922).
Brown (1975: 61) noted that Raignier and van Boven had
taken it nesting in hollow twigs in Zaïre (Epulu and Reserve
Floristique de Yangambi, 29 March 1949); also listing silvestrii
findings by Ross & Leech, at 26 Km S of Uvira, at 800 m, 10 January
1958. He had found members climbing a tree trunk in sparse single file
in a copse in the tall grass Dabou Savanna (47 km west of Abidjan), Ivory
Coast - three ants (18 January 1963). He also listed findings from
Ghana at Tafo by B Bolton, 26 November 1970. He added that the West
African specimens all averaged considerably smaller that those from
Congo and the posterolateral teeth on the petiole were generally more
developed in the former.
The photomontage is of a cotype Cerapachys foreli
(as Phyraces langi) from Zaïre. It is collated from the
original photographs, which, together with enlarged images, are from
the MCZ, Harvard University, website at - MCZ link.
The Antweb worker from Gabon (below) has exactly the
same size and proportions, including the eye length.
The species type queen can be seen at http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0911258
Oxford University Museum
Cerapachys foreli
B Taylor det.
Y Braet
Gabon 183
00°34' N
09°19' E
Leaf litter, winkler
photomontage is of a queen from Gabon, Pongara National Park;
collector Yves
Braet (Gabon 183).
Dorsal view of petioles
from Santschi (1915c)
The photomontage of a worker from Gabon, is collated
from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0005962