Crematogaster (Atopogyne) biimpressa Mayr -
new status
Type location Congo (Cremastogaster
Buchneri For. subspec. biimpressa
nov. subsp., Mayr,
1895: 139, worker; stirps of clariventris,
Santschi, 1930b: 69) from Kuilu River - see below
junior synonyms (here)
v-nigra (Cremastogaster chiarinii Em. var. V.
nigrum n.var.,
Forel, 1910e: 434, worker - NOTE the "nigra", Forel,
1910e: 434, worker, in Bolton, 1995: 158, is an error) from Congo,
no location or collector
- see below
transiens (Cremastogaster
Buchneri For. r. transiens n. stirps, Forel, 1913b: 324,
worker; raised to species by Santschi, in litt., in Wheeler,
1922: 160) from Zaïre, Kana near Kikondja by J. Bequaert - see
Mayr's (1895) description, with that of clariventris,
is at .
Forel's (1910e)
description of v-nigra is at .
Forel's (1913b) description of transiens is at . Noted as smaller than buchneri by
(1915c), recording it from Kataki, Katanga, Zaïre, by Dr
Gerard; also recorded by Wheeler (1922) plus Avakubi and Kisangani
[Stanleyville], by Lang & Chapin.
Crematogaster (Atopogyne) species 1 (Cameroon)
In the Campo
forest canopy, Alain Dejean and colleagues recorded a species denoted
by Bolton as "Crematogaster sp l" on 1.8% of the trees. I guess
that this has to be an Atopogyne subgenus member; why Bolton
did not give some positive separation when, as here, the "species 1"
etc has been used for other Crematogaster forms, I cannot
understand. I am tempted to guess that this is transiens.
The photomontages are of specimens collected in Cameroun
- south-western tropical coastal forest area between Edéa and Campo
(McKey Wolbachia project) - Cameroon 70a from location BOU
(Bondé - river near N'kolobondé at 3°13.31' N 10°15.01'; flat land,
between the Chapel and the river), 18 April 2001, at nectaries of Alchorea
floribunda, apparently with numerous Crematogaster striatula.
Major worker
need to check size - rephoto!