Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) liebknechti Forel -
new status
Type location Zaïre (Cremastogaster pronotalis
Sant. v. Liebknechti n. var.,
Forel, 1915c: 340, worker; variety of luctans
by Menozzi, 1942: 169, list only) collected at St
Gabriel, by Kohl - see below.
Forel's (1915c) description of liebknechti (as
variety of pronotalis) was -
WORKER - TL 3.4-3.6 mm; (comparisons with kneri var. dakarensis)
head much less square, with more convex sides. Smaller. Petiole
anterior angles much less prominent. Propodeal spines shorter and less
divergent. Otherwise similar. Collected by Kohl at St, Gabriel,
Kisangani, Zaïre, from in a
dessicated branch of a citrus tree.
(1922) who described a finding of liebknechti
(as a variety of pronotalis) and had the illustration (right),
noted it was found at two locations in Zaïre, with the
collector's comment - "builds small carton tents on blades of grass. It
is common in swamps, from three to five feet above water level".
photomontage of a type worker is collated from