Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) pseudinermis
Type location Sudan (Cremastogaster
pseudinermis, n. sp., Viehmeyer, 1923: 88, illustrated, worker
& queen) Nubbaka, Ebner, 17.iii.1914 - see below and
junior synonym (here) muellerianus (Crematogaster
(Acrocoelia) Müllerianus n. sp., Finzi, 1939a: 157, worker,
wrongly given as queen by Bolton, 1995; variety of pseudinermis
by Menozzi, 1942: 168) from Ethiopia, Om Ager, Setit,
25.xii.1934 - no images on Antweb (August 2016)
Worker and queen
described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Viehmeyer's (1923)
description is at . Finzi's (1939a)
description of mullerianus is at .
Santschi (1926b) reduced it to a variety of Crematogaster
(Sph.) wellmani Forel 1909b, but later (Santschi, 1935a: 260)
listed it
again as a full species, with a record of
findings at Mongede and Kunungu, in Zaïre, but without any comment to justify his decision.
photomontage is of a queen from the Central
Africa Republic, Dzanga-Sangha NP, Camp 3; collector Philippe
This appears to match Viehmeyer's description and to be generally
similar in colour, etc, to the cotype worker shown above.