Type location Kenya
(Weber, 1949b: 2, illustrated antenna of queen, worker & queen) - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
Worker and queen only described (see Bolton, 1995; notes original
spelling amended by Brown, 1958g: 253) .
Weber's (1949b) description is at . Distinguished by 8-segmented antennae of
queen and small size - Worker TL 1.6 mm.
photomontage is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=sam-hym-000061a
Collection Information: Specimen Code SAM-HYM-C000061A; Locality South
Africa: Cape Province: Mountain Zebra National Park; 32°14'00"S
025°28'00"E 1200 m; Collection codes: SAM-HYM-C000061 Date: 27 Oct
1985; Collected by: H.G.Robertson; Method: Berlese funnel litter
sample; Habitat: riverine
Although this is labelled Discothyrea
hewitti that species is described only from the queen which has
9-segmented antennae. This species clearly has 8-segmented antennae and
almost exactly matches the Weber description.