Contents Contents The Ants of Africa
Distribution Records - Ethiopia

Excel 2003 spreadsheet - Ethiopia spreadsheet

Basso Norok = Lake Rudolph

Subfamily Species Author year location Collector Habits
AENICTINAE Aenictus bottegoi Emery 1899a Lake Bass Narok V Bottego new species, holotype male
AENICTINAE Aenictus bottegoi noctivagus Santschi 1913c ? ? new strain, 1 male
AENICTINAE Aenictus hamifer Santschi 1935b Nanoropus, L Rudolph R Jeannel & Chappuis 4 males
AENICTINAE Aenictus hamifer Emery 1899a Webi-Ganale Rivers V Bottego males
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma chiaromontei Menozzi 1939c Mega E Zavattari two workers
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma luteum Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis several workers; in camouflage of a reduviid larva
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex ilgi Forel 1910c western A Ilg new species, worker & male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Al.) antinorii Emery 1881a Let-Marefia Antinori 1 worker
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Al.) attenuatus Wheeler 1922xr ? Raffray  
DORYLINAE Dorylus (An.) burmeisteri Emery 1881a ? Antinori series of workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (An.) nigricans Forel 1910c West Abyssinia A Ilg workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego 1 male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis abyssinicus Emery 1895j Bogosland O Beccari new variety, workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis brevinodosus Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis brevinodosus Emery 1881a Let-Marefia Antinori 1 worker
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis hirsutus Santschi 1917c   Kristensen new variety, male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis hirsutus Santschi 1917c ? Kristensen new variety, male, 31.xi.1907
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis loewyi Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression; Abula & Colhabiila Franchetti two males
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis parapsidalis Menozzi 1939c Borana - Javello E Zavattari one male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (R.) fimbriatus Forel 1904b Addis Ababa Kachovskij 1 male, 29.v.1898
DORYLINAE Dorylus (R.) fimbriatus Emery 1895a Buditu-Dime V Bottego workers & males
DORYLINAE Dorylus (T.) fulvus Emery 1899a Lakes Bass Marle & Bass Narok V Bottego numerous workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (T.) fulvus eurous Menozzi 1939c Borana - Javello E Zavattari one male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (T.) fulvus eurous Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression, Abula Franchetti one male
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmamblys) criniticeps Menozzi 1939c Amba Mussolini E Zavattari three major workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) braunsi erythromelus Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari several workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) braunsi erythromelus Emery 1899a Sancurar-Amarr Burgi V Bottego 1 worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) erinaceus Menozzi 1939c Arero E Zavattari one worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopelta) kollbrunneri Forel 1910c west A Ilg new species, major worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) cinctellus Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) cinctellus Menozzi 1939c Several E Zavattari numerous workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) eugeniae Menozzi 1939c Several E Zavattari numerous soldiers & workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Santschi 1935b Nanoropus, L Rudolph R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 queen
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Forel 1907c Kounhi, Abou, Mt Zyoual, R Colba, Uomber; Harrar, Tchercher M de Rothschild all forms
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Emery 1899a Bass Narok V Bottego workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Reichensperger 1913x Harrar Kristensen colony
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) vestitus Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) zimmermanni Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, minor & media workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) zimmermanni Forel 1904b Harrar Dmitriev 1 worker, 1899
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) foraminosus Emery 1877b   O Beccari as C. niveosetosus corr Emery (1886)
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) foraminosus chrysogaster Menozzi 1939c Malca Guba E Zavattari one worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) foraminosus chrysogaster Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego 1 worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) foraminosus honorus Forel 1910c west A Ilg new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) galla Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, minor & media workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) galla Emery 1899a Lake Bass Narok V Bottego 1 worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) galla latinota Forel 1907c Haut Aouache-Endessa M de Rothschild junior synonym, workers & 1 queen
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) ilgii Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) puberulus Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) rhamses completus Santschi 1930a   Crawley new variety, worker media
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) robecchii abyssinicus Santschi 1913c Dire Doua J Roger new variety, queen
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) troglodytes Forel 1904b Danakil - Herer Kachovskij workers; 5.vii.1898
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Menozzi 1939c Neghelli & Amba Mussolini E Zavattari several workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression, Afammo and Beilul Franchetti  
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Santschi 1935b Nanoropus, L Rudolph R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Emery 1899a Dime-Bass Narok & L Bass Narok V Bottego workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Para.) moderatus Santschi 1930a   Crawley new species, minor worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) acvapimensis Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) acvapimensis Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari several soldiers & workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) acvapimensis Emery 1899a Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) aegyptiacus Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) etiolipes Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) fellah Forel 1910c western A Ilg worker
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) ligeus Donisthorpe 1931b Mt Chillalo 9000' H Scott new species, holotype major worker & 3 minors
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus Emery 1899a Sancurar-Amarr Burgi & Lake Bass Narok V Bottego workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus Reichensperger 1913x Harrar Kristensen colony
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus atramentarius Forel 1904b   Dmitriev workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus erythraeus Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 2 workers, 1 male
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus fellah Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus schultzei Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari soldiers & workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus spicata Menozzi 1939c Moyale, Javello & Malca Guba E Zavattari numerous soldiers & workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) negus Forel 1907c Kounhi, Abou, Mt Zyoual, R Colba, Uomber M de Rothschild new species, workers & queen
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) negus nefassitensis Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression, Gaarre and others Franchetti major and minor workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) pulvinatus Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari several sodiers, media and minors
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) sacchii Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego new species major
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) somalinus Menozzi 1939c Several E Zavattari numerous workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) somalinus Emery 1899a Sancurar-Amarr Burgi & Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) somalinus curtior Forel 1894b south A Ilg new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Cataglyphis abyssinicus Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression, Gaarre Franchetti one worker
FORMICINAE Cataglyphis abyssinicus Forel 1904b Ingfal; Schoa (western) Kachovskij; A Ilg new species, worker & queen; 2 workers
FORMICINAE Cataglyphis albicans franchettii Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression Franchetti single worker
FORMICINAE Cataglyphis bicolor gibbosa Taylor 2005w Dire-Dassa (Antweb) major; undescribed variety
FORMICINAE Cataglyphis desertorum Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota canescens Menozzi 1939c Several E Zavattari numerous workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota canescens Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis several workers in the camouflage of a reduviid larva
FORMICINAE Lepisiota canescens Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota canescens Reichensperger 1913x Harrar Kristensen two colonies
FORMICINAE Lepisiota capensis Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota capensis Forel 1904b Addis Ababa Kachovskij 1 worker;
FORMICINAE Lepisiota carbonaria Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota depilis Emery 1897e Arigalgalu & Leboi E Ruspoli new species, workers & queen
FORMICINAE Lepisiota erythraea Forel 1910c Harar A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota gracilicornis Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression, Gaarre Franchetti  
FORMICINAE Lepisiota gracilicornis abdominalis Forel 1894b south A Ilg new strain, workers
FORMICINAE Oecophylla longinoda Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime & Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego workers & queens
FORMICINAE Oecophylla longinoda claridens Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis several workers
FORMICINAE Oecophylla longinoda textor Santschi 1919a Harar Kristensen queen
FORMICINAE Paratrechina longicornis Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 queen
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis abyssinica Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis gagates nigriseta Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis schistacea Bolton 1973b Didessa R K M Guichard workers
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis viscosa Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari one worker
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis viscosa Emery 1899a Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego 1 queen
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis viscosa antinorii Emery 1877b Sciotel, Keren O Beccari new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Atopomyrmex mocquerysi Emery 1899a Badditu-Bass Narok V Bottego 1 worker
MYRMICINAE Calyptomyrmex clavatus Bolton 1981a Harrar Escherisch? worker
MYRMICINAE Calyptomyrmex foreli Santschi 1913c Harrar Kristensen queens
MYRMICINAE Carebara vidua Emery 1899a Sancurar-Amarr Burgi, Badditu-Dime & Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego queens & males
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus intrudens hararicus Forel 1894b Harar A Ilg as new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus intrudens rugosus Forel 1894b south, Harar A Ilg new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) affabilis Forel 1907c Harrar A Ilg worker
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) castanea hararica Forel 1894b south, Harar A Ilg new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) chiarinii Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) chiarinii Emery 1881a Kaka Antinori new species (Emery 1881a)
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) chiarinii Emery 1899a Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) chiarinii cincta Emery 1899a Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) chiarinii taediosa Forel 1894b south A Ilg new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) ilgii Forel 1910c west A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) menilekii Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) menilekii Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) mimosae Menozzi 1939c Neghelli, Moyale & Javello E Zavattari several workers & delate queens
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) neuvillei Forel 1907c Uomba M de Rothschild new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) nigriceps Emery 1897e Hauacio E Ruspoli new species, workers, from Acacia spines
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) nigriceps prelli Menozzi 1939c Neghelli, Mega & Moayle E Zavattari workers and one queen, in a spine of Acacia stenocarpa
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) gambiensis longiruga Santschi 1935b Omo R R Jeannel & P A Chappuis workers
MYRMICINAE Melissotarsus emeryi Forel 1907c R Colba M de Rothschild new species, 2 soldiers
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus magrettii Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
MYRMICINAE Messor barbarus Emery 1881a Kaka Antinori worker; like the variety from Bogos
MYRMICINAE Messor barbarus Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers; extralimital in Bolton 1982
MYRMICINAE Messor barbarus Forel 1904b Godo Burka Kachovskij 1 queen;
MYRMICINAE Messor barbarus Reichensperger 1913x Abuker, Harar Kristensen workers
MYRMICINAE Messor barbarus Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego 1 queen
MYRMICINAE Messor cephalotes Menozzi 1939c Neghelli, Moyale & Javello E Zavattari numerous of all stages
MYRMICINAE Messor cephalotes Emery 1895a Arussi Galla, Ganale Gudda V Bottego  
MYRMICINAE Messor galla Emery 1895a Boran Galla, Alto Ganale V Bottego new species, worker; v.1893
MYRMICINAE Messor galla Bolton 1982x numerous locations various workers
MYRMICINAE Messor galla nobilis Santschi 1928f Bisa Tint, 1200 m Kristensen new variety, queens
MYRMICINAE Messor galla obscurus Menozzi 1939c Arero, Neghelli & Javello E Zavattari numerous of all stages
MYRMICINAE Messor galla rufus Forel 1910c Nefassit K Escherich new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Messor galla triempressa Santschi 1917e Harrar Museum de Paris workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium abyssinicum Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium afrum Bolton 1987x Tessenei; Barentu Remedelli; Muller workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium bicolor Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium bicolor Bolton 1987x Gamo, Konso H Scott workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium bicolor Santschi 1935b Nanoropus, L Rudolph R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 queen
MYRMICINAE Monomorium crawleyi Santschi 1930a   Crawley new species, 2 workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium crawleyi Bolton 1987x Djem-Djem Forest H Scott workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium destructor Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression Franchetti one worker
MYRMICINAE Monomorium exiguum Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium ilgii Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium ophthalmicum Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Monomorium oscaris Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium parvinode Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Monomorium robustior Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium venustum ? Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers; extralimital in Bolton 1987
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria distincta abyssinica Santschi 1925c   Michel & Patter new variety, 1 worker;1899
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria opaciventris Forel 1910c Western Cape, Langebaan A Ilg workers
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria tigreensis Guerin-Meneville 1849x   Lefebvre new species, male only
MYRMICINAE Nesomyrmex angulatus ilgii Forel 1894b south A Ilg new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex nitidulus Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex nitidulus Bolton 1981b Meisso K M Guichard no details
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex robecchii Menozzi 1939c Javello, Malca Guba & Neghelli E Zavattari several workers
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex robecchii Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 4 males
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex weitzeckeri Menozzi 1939c Arero E Zavattari one worker
MYRMICINAE Pheidole caffra abyssinica Wasmann 1911x Bisa Timo, Harar Kristensen ?
MYRMICINAE Pheidole crassinoda Forel 1910c west A Ilg all forms
MYRMICINAE Pheidole crassinoda Menozzi 1939c Javello E Zavattari several workers & one soldier
MYRMICINAE Pheidole crassinoda ruspolii Forel 1904b Godo Burka Dmitriev 5 soldiers, 1899
MYRMICINAE Pheidole crassinoda ruspolii Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari several soldiers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole crassinoda ruspolii Forel 1907c Karssa M de Rothschild new description, male
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala Menozzi 1939c Arero E Zavattari several soldiers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala Santschi 1935b Nanoropus, L Rudolph R Jeannel & Chappuis 5 queens
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala Reichensperger 1913x Harrar Kristensen colony
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala ilgi Forel 1907g Harar A Ilg; Kristensen new variety, workers & soldiers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala ilgi Forel 1907c Hieka Bourka, Karssa, Tchafianani, Kounhi, Addis Ababa, Harrar M de Rothschild new description, queen; also 4 workers & male
MYRMICINAE Pheidole punctulata Emery 1881a Let-Marefia Antinori one soldier
MYRMICINAE Pheidole rotundata Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole sinaitica Forel 1894b south A Ilg extralimital to sub-Saharan Africa
MYRMICINAE Pheidole speculifera Emery 1895a Arussi Galla, Ganale Gudda V Bottego soldier
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) eminii Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) rothschildi Bolton 1976x Adamitullo K M Guichard workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) rothschildi Forel 1907c Harrar M de Rothschild new species, holotype worker; iii.1905
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) edouardi Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) edouardi Santschi 1919a   Kristensen queen, new description
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) tersum Bolton 1980x Mt Damota & Mt Chillalo H Scott workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium aculeatum Bolton 1980x Dilla K M Guichard workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium bicarinatum (as guineense) Forel 1910c west A Ilg workers (identity speculative)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium erectum Forel 1907c Confluence of R Akaki M de Rothschild 1 large workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium gracile Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium gracile Forel 1907c Addis Ababa M de Rothschild new description male (may not be this species?)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre Bolton 1980x Dire Daura K M Guichard workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre arenarium Santschi 1918b Harrar Kristensen new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre debile Forel 1894b south A Ilg new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre debile Menozzi 1939c Neghelli, Javello & Amba Mussolini E Zavattari several workers & one dealate queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre neuvillei Forel 1907c Dire Daoua, M de Rothschild new variety, 1 worker
PONERINAE Anochetus africanus Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 9 males
PONERINAE Anochetus rothschildi Forel 1907c Dire, Daoua, Haut Aouache, Eudessa M de Rothschild new species, workers & male
PONERINAE Hypoponera abyssinica Santschi 1938b Scioa, Let Marefia Ragazzi 1 worker, 2 queens
PONERINAE Hypoponera aethiopica Forel 1907c Tchafianami M de Rothschild new species, alate queens
PONERINAE Leptogenys buyssoni Forel 1907c Hieka Bourka M de Rothschild new species, holotype worker
PONERINAE Leptogenys erythraea Forel 1907c Bourka M de Rothschild new description male (workers?)
PONERINAE Leptogenys pavesii Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari several workers
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 queen
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes Emery 1899a Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) crassa Forel 1894b south, several locations A Ilg workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) crassa Menozzi 1939c Arero & Neghelli E Zavattari two workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) crassa Emery 1877b Bogos O Beccari new species, two workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) crassa ilgii Forel 1910c Schoa A Ilg new variety, worker
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) soror suturalis Forel 1907c Karssa M de Rothschild new ssp, workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachy.) sennaarensis Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachy.) sennaarensis Menozzi 1939c Malca Guba E Zavattari numerous workers, one queen
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachy.) sennaarensis Menozzi 1931a Danakil Depression Franchetti several workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis Forel 1894b south A Ilg workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis Menozzi 1939c Moyale & Neghelli E Zavattari numerous males and workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis Forel 1904b Danakil - Gogfale, Herer Kachovskij workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis Emery 1899a Amarr Burgi & Dime-Bass Narok V Bottego 2 males
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis abyssinica Guerin-Meneville 1849x ? Lefebre worker; "Ponera abyssinica"
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis amazon Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo; Dire-Dauoa R Jeannel & Chappuis new variety, male
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Ophth.) ilgii Forel 1894b south A Ilg new species, workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Ophth.) mocquerysi Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari one worker
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Palto.) tarsata Emery 1899a Badditu-Dime V Bottego all forms
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Trachy.) darwinii africana Santschi 1935b Bourille, Omo R Jeannel & Chappuis 2 queens; vi.1928
PONERINAE Platythyrea cribrinodis Emery 1881a Kaka Antinori worker
PONERINAE Platythyrea cribrinodis Menozzi 1939c   E Zavattari numerous workers
PONERINAE Plectroctena mandibularis Menozzi 1939c Neghelli E Zavattari several workers
PONERINAE Plectroctena mandibularis Bolton 1974b Higo Samula; Maraquo R J Stordy; O Kovacs workers
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera ambigua Forel 1894b southern A Ilg worker (?, Emery in litt.)
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera bifoveolata Santschi 1935b Bourille; Omo R R Jeannel & Chappuis 1 worker
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera mocquerysi Emery 1895a Arussi Galla, Ganala Gudda V Bottego workers
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera penzigi continua Forel 1907c Gotta M de Rothschild new variety, 1 worker
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera scotti Donisthorpe 1931b Jem-Jem Forest (8-9000') H Scott new species, holotype worker head, & entire queen
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera zavattarii Menozzi 1939c Mega & Neghelli E Zavattari Mega - 30 workers, Neghelli - one worker

© 2006 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
