Contents Contents The Ants of Africa
Distribution Records - Zimbabwe

Excel 2003 spreadsheet - Zimbabwe spreadsheet

Subfamily Species Author year location Collector Habits
AENICTINAE Aenictus alluaudi Santschi 1924b Bulawayo; Victoria Falls G Arnold males; 15.xi.1913 & 6.xii.1914
AENICTINAE Aenictus crucifer tuberculatus Arnold 1915x Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 1 male; at light
AENICTINAE Aenictus furibundus Arnold 1959x Cashel G Arnold Large colony nesting under a stone
AENICTINAE Aenictus mariae Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold workers
AENICTINAE Aenictus rotundatus Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
CERAPACHYINAE Cerapachys coxalis Arnold 1926x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, several workers running on hot sand
CERAPACHYINAE Cerapachys sudanensis variolosus Arnold 1949x Hunyani G Arnold Crossing footpath over granite soil in a wood
CERAPACHYINAE Cerapachys sylvicola Arnold 1955x Vumba Mts, 5000' G Arnold new species, numerous workers, in moist leaf mould
CERAPACHYINAE Cerapachys wroughtoni rhodesiana Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 1 worker
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma arnoldi Forel 1913a Plumtree G Arnold new species, workers; on tree in a gall with coccid
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma arnoldi Forel 1915x Plumtree G Arnold descriptions of queen & male
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma demissum (gracilis) Forel 1913a Matetsi, Zambesia G Arnold new species, workers; very active soil dweller
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma lugubre Santschi 1917b Victoria Falls G Arnold new species, workers & male
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma lugubre Arnold 1926x Victoria Falls G Arnold workers
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma luteum emeryi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold all forms
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma menozzii Donisthorpe 1936e Chirinda Forest G Arnold new species, 8 workers
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma modestum Santschi 1932a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, worker
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma schultzei Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold workers; on trees
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma schultzei Arnold 1915x Redbank G Arnold queen (new description)
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex arnoldinus Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; under a stone and other damp places
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex foreli Arnold 1915x Bulawayo G Arnold workers common under stones in damp places
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex ilgi stygium Santschi 1926b Iryanga G Arnold workers
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex voeltzkowi rhodesiae Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, worker
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Al.) diadema arnoldi Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, males; at light
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Al.) diadema arnoldi Arnold 1948x Matopos G Arnold workers & queen (new description), in damp soil on stream banks
DORYLINAE Dorylus (An.) burmeisteri Taylor 2005w Gungunya Forest M Snizek workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (An.) molestus Wheeler 1922xr Kazungula; Mt Chirinda; Luapula R Jalla; Swynnerton (Swynnerton 1916); Elena d'Aosta ?
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) affinis badior Santschi 1939b Vumbu Mts G Arnold new variety, 1 male; 1928
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) braunsi anceps Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) brevipennis bulawayensis Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) brevipennis marshalli Emery 1901c ? ? new variety, workers & male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) brevipennis zimmermanni Arnold 1915x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold workers
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) depilis clarior Santschi 1915c Zambesie Durand new variety, 1 male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (D.) helvolus Arnold 1915x widespread G Arnold numerous findings
DORYLINAE Dorylus (R.) fimbriatus Wheeler 1922xr Salisbury G Marshall ?
DORYLINAE Dorylus (T.) fulvus badius Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers & male
DORYLINAE Dorylus (T.) fulvus rhodesiae Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Acropyga arnoldi Prins 1982x widespread various  
FORMICINAE Acropyga arnoldi rhodesiana Santschi 1928f Rifle Kopje G Arnold as new species, 4 workers; 9.xi.1924
FORMICINAE Agraulomyrmex wilsoni Prins 1983x Gwebi K J Wilson new species, holotype plus 7 workers, 1 queen, xii.1972
FORMICINAE Anoplolepis custodiens Wheeler 1922r Kazungulu Jalla workers
FORMICINAE Anoplolepis custodiens Prins 1982x widespread AJ Prins, G Arnold soil-nesting, honeydew collectors
FORMICINAE Anoplolepis macgregori Arnold 1922x Glenville, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype worker; on trunk of tree
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmespera) crepusculi Arnold 1922x Hillside, Bulawayo & Nyamandhlovu G Arnold new species, soldier, worker & queen; nests in sandy soil
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmespera) debellator Santschi 1926b Matopo G Arnold new species, all forms; 18.ii.1923
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmespera) nasutus pretiosus Arnold 1922x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 1 soldier & 1 queen
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmespera) nasutus pretiosus Santschi 1937a Bulawayo G Arnold  
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) amphidus Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 5700' G Arnold new species; workers & soldiers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) braunsi Forel 1913a Plumtree G Arnold workers; slowly crawling over trunks
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) braunsi epinotalis Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers & soldiers; nesting in hollow tree trunks
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) vespertinus Arnold 1960b Balla-Balla G Arnold new species, 3 workers; crepuscular; 24.xii.1957
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopelta) vividus cato Santschi 1926b Victoria Falls G Arnold  
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopelta) vividus reginae Forel 1913a Kandahar Is, Zambesi R G Arnold workers, very active on trees
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopelta) vividus reginae Arnold 1924x Victoria Falls & Malindi G Arnold workers & queens (new description)
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopsamma) mystaceus Arnold 1922x Sawmills, Umgusa R & Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold soldiers & workers; nests under large stones
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopsamma) simulans Arnold 1944x Lupane G Arnold soldiers & workers (new desription)
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosaga) favorabilis Santschi 1919a Nyamandhlara G Arnold new species, worker, 15.xii.1915
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosaga) schoutedeni Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold new description major & minors
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) cinctellus ustithorax Arnold 1924x Springvale & Victoria Falls G Arnold soldiers, workers & queen (new description)
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) cosmicus Marshall 1902x Salisbury G Marshall workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) eugeniae Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) eugeniae Arnold 1924x several locations G Arnold all forms (new description, queen & male), nests under large stones
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) petersii Arnold 1924x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold soldiers & workers (new description); nests under large stones; in Forel, 1914d
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) rufoglaucus contrarius Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers & soldiers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) valdeziae Arnold 1924x Hope Fountain & Essexvale G Arnold soldiers & workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) vestitus pectitus Santschi 1911g Bembesi & Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers & queen
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) vestitus pectitus Forel 1913j Bembesi G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) auropubens jacob Santschi 1915c Bulawayo G Arnold workers; common nests in hollow stems of Acacia horrida & Sclerocarya caffra
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) grandidieri Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers & male
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) robecchii rhodesianus Forel 1913a Redbank & Selukwe G Arnold new variety, major & minor workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) robecchii rhodesianus Arnold 1924x several locations G Arnold soldiers, workers & queen (new description); on trees
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) mayri Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) scabrinodis Arnold 1924x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers; nest in loose sandy soil
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Forel 1913a Khami G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Ortho.) sericeus Arnold 1924x several locations G Arnold not rare; nests in grassy situations
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Para.) aequitas Santschi 1920d Bulawayo G Arnold new species, all forms; ground nesting
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) acvapimensis Arnold 1922x Bembesi, Bulawayo & Redbank G Arnold all forms; nest in ground (in Forel, 1914d)
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) congolensis Arnold 1922x Bindura, Mashonaland G Coghill workers; in Forl, 1914d
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) empedocles Forel 1913j Salisbury Father O'Neil new species, major & minor workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) errabundus Arnold 1949x Hunyani G Arnold On ground in savannah forest, granite soil
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) etiolipes Arnold 1924x Mombi R; Chirinda Forest; Palm Grove, Victoria Falls A E V Zealley (in Forel, 1914d); C F M Swynnerton; G Arnold soldiers, workers & male - tropical species
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus Forel 1913a   G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus ballioni Santschi 1926b Hillside, Bulawayo; World's View, Matopos G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus cataractae Santschi 1919b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, minor & major workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus contaminatus Santschi 1917b Matopo Hills G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus diffusus Santschi 1917b Matopo Hills G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus georgei Santschi 1923e Bulawayo G Arnold 1 soldier
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus hannae Santschi 1919a Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers & soldiers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus manzer Forel 1910e Victoria Falls R Wroughton new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) maculatus manzer Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold workers, soldiers & male, 7.xii.1914
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) natalensis diabolus Arnold 1922x Salisbury R L Thompson workers
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) negus montinanus Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 6000' G Arnold new subspecies, workers, soldiers & queen; 6-7.iv.1923
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanae.) traegaordhi fumeus Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 5700' G Arnold workers & soldiers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota alexis Arnold 1920a Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; nesting in ground
FORMICINAE Lepisiota arenaria Arnold 1920a Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers; nest in loose yellow sand
FORMICINAE Lepisiota arnoldi Forel 1913a Redbank & Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; nesting in deep hot sand
FORMICINAE Lepisiota dendrophila Arnold 1949x Chirinda Forest G Arnold On felled tree
FORMICINAE Lepisiota egregia Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold new species, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota egregia santschii Arnold 1920a Cawston Farm, Umgusa G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota foreli Arnold 1920a Sipapoma G Arnold new species, workers; running on very hot sandy soil
FORMICINAE Lepisiota foreli convexa Arnold 1920a Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota foreli impressa Arnold 1920a Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; running on very hot sandy soil
FORMICINAE Lepisiota hirsuta elevata Forel 1914d Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota imperfecta Santschi 1926b Cloud & Mombu Mts G Arnold 8 workers; 6-17.iv.1923
FORMICINAE Lepisiota longinoda Arnold 1920a Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, worker & queen
FORMICINAE Lepisiota quadraticeps Arnold 1944x Matopo Hills G Arnold new species, worker & male
FORMICINAE Lepisiota rubrovaria avunculus Arnold 1920a Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota rubrovaria pilosa Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota simplex Forel 1913a   G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota spinosior Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; in damp soil
FORMICINAE Lepisiota spinosior Arnold 1920a Bulawayo G Arnold workers & queen (new description); not common
FORMICINAE Lepisiota spinosior ballaensis Arnold 1920a Balla-Balla G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Lepisiota submetallica Arnold 1920a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, all forms; populous nests in ground
FORMICINAE Lepisiota validiuscula Forel 1913a   G Arnold workers
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis brunni Forel 1913a Bulawayo & Springvale G Arnold workers on trees
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis brunni pubescens Forel 1913a Plumtree & Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers in galls
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis chirindensis Arnold 1949x Chirinda Forest G Arnold Nest under bark of fallen trees or under dead leaves
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis pygmaea Forel 1913j Bulawayo & Bembesi G Arnold workers & queen
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis pygmaea bulawayensis Arnold 1922x Bulwayo G Arnold new variety, workers & queen; nesting in grassy soil
FORMICINAE Plagiolepis pygmaea mima Arnold 1922x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis gagates Bolton 1973b Selukwe A E V Zealley workers
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis gagates acheron Arnold 1924x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; nest under very large stone
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis gagates indefinata Forel 1913a Selukwe A E V Zealley workers
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis schistacea rugulosa Forel 1913a   G Arnold workers; fairly common, nest in ground, climb bushes to tend aphids
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis schlueteri Arnold 1924x Palm Grove, Victoria Falls G Arnold workers & queen (new description)
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis viscosa Forel 1913a Redbank; Cawston Block; Lonely Mine G Arnold; H Swale workers
FORMICINAE Tapinolepis deceptor Arnold 1922x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers
FORMICINAE Tapinolepis litoralis Arnold 1958x Birchenough Bridge, Sabi R G Arnold nest in alluvial sand
FORMICINAE Tapinolepis macrophthalma Arnold 1962x Sawmills Road, Nyamandhlovu G Arnold Cratered nest in ground
FORMICINAE Tapinolepis melanaria Arnold 1922x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers; nest in sandy soil
FORMICINAE Tapinolepis melanaria ochraceotincta Arnold 1949x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold Nest in sandy soil
FORMICINAE Tapinolepis trimenii Forel 1913j Bulawayo & Bembesi G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Arnold 1916x Sipopoma, Malindi, Victoria Falls G Arnold workers; nesting in hollow trees; in Forel, 1914d, as Atop. mocquerysi curvispina
MYRMICINAE Atopomyrmex mocquerysi obscura Santschi 1923e Sipopoma, Malindi, Victoria Falls G Arnold  
MYRMICINAE Calyptomyrmex arnoldi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype worker, in nest of Pachycondyla kruegeri
MYRMICINAE Calyptomyrmex nedjem Bolton 1981a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, 5 workers; 5.ii.1913 & 14.ii.1914
MYRMICINAE Calyptomyrmex piripilis Bolton 1981a Victoria Falls W L Brown workers & ergatoid queen
MYRMICINAE Calyptomyrmex piripilis cataractae Arnold 1926x Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers; rain forest
MYRMICINAE Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Cardiocondyla emeryi Arnold 1916x several locations G Arnold all forms (queen new description); nests in grassy soil
MYRMICINAE Cardiocondyla shuckardi Santschi 1932a Umtali G Arnold  
MYRMICINAE Carebara arnoldi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, worker; subterranean - as Oligomyrmex arnoldi
MYRMICINAE Carebara vidua Arnold 1916x Hartley; Victoria Falls A E V Zealley; G Arnold all forms
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus brevisetosus plebeja Santschi 1916b Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus intrudens batonga Forel 1913a   G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus intrudens bulawayensis Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers & queen; nesting in hollow twigs of Acacia horrida
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus intrudens intermedius Santschi 1917b Bembesi G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus lujae Arnold 1917x Bulawayo G Arnold workers; in hollow twigs of Acacia
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atop.) kohli winkleri Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) acaciae victoriosa Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) castanea bruta Arnold 1920a Springvale G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) castanea decolorata Santschi 1926b Umtali G Arnold  
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) castanea quisquilia Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) castanea rufonigra Forel 1913a common G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) castanea rufonigra Arnold 1920a common G Arnold workers & queen (new description)
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) constructor Arnold 1947x Tandaai Valley G Arnold carton nest on Uapaca kirkii tree
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) delagoensis rhodesiana Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers, on a mimosa tree
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) excisa maledicta Forel 1914d   G Arnold new variety, workers & queen
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) gallicola Arnold 1920a Somabula G Arnold workers & queen (new description); in a gall
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) gerstaeckeri maledicta Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers & queen
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) menilekii completa Santschi 1928d Matopo G Arnold new variety, worker; 18.vii.1920
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) misella Arnold 1920a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; in hollow stem of Acacia horrida
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) nigronitens Santschi 1917b Matopo Hills G Arnold new species, workers; nesting in hollow & dead branches of a small shrub
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) retifera Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 6000' G Arnold new species; 4 workers & 1 queen
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) rufigena Arnold 1958x Chirinda Forest G Arnold Populous nest under bark of a fallen, rotting tree
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti Forel 1914b Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti bulawayensis Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti bulawayensis Santschi 1926b Bulawayo G Arnold small workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti carininotum Santschi 1917b Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti foraminicipoides Forel 1916x Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti infaceta Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti inquieta Santschi 1928d Salisbury & Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers;18.iv.1919
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti oraclum Forel 1913a   G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti pudica Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) sjostedti semiclara Santschi 1928d Salisbury G Arnold new variety, workers;
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (C.) vulcania Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Orth.) boera Santschi 1926b Saw Mills G Arnold new species, worker
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Orth.) rectinota Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Orth.) rectinota Arnold 1920a several locations G Arnold workers & queen (new description); nesting under stones
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Oxy.) donisthorpei Santschi 1934a Mashonaland British Museum collection new species, all forms, large carton nest; coll 1889
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) amita Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) amita makololo Santschi 1926b Bulawayo G Arnold new variety; worker
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) amita matabele Arnold 1920a Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; nest under a stone
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) hemiceros Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 5700' G Arnold new species; worker
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) hottentota Forel 1913a Bedza, Mattopo Hills G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani retusa Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, all forms; populous nest under bark of a leguminous tree
MYRMICINAE Decamorium decem Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Decamorium decem Arnold 1917x Redbank, Nyamandhlovu, Hillside, Bulawayo; Hartley G Arnold; H B Maufe all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Decamorium decem ultor Forel 1913j Shiloh & Xoce G Arnold new variety, workers; in nest of Pachycondyla tarsata
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus glaber Arnold 1926x Bulawayo, Hillside; Sawmills G Arnold new species, workers; 3 collections, 13.v.1917, 30.i.1918 & 1.ii.1918
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus inermis nanior Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold worker
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus magrettii diversipilosus Santschi 1932a Sawmills G Arnold  
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus magrettii nitidiventris Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus magrettii nitidiventris Arnold 1917x several locations G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus magrettii springvalensis Arnold 1917x Springvale G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus spininodis Arnold 1917x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; ground nest with tiny entrance
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus spininodis glaber Arnold 1926x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus spininodis glaber Arnold 1926x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Meranoplus sthenus Bolton 1981a Sawmills, Victoria Falls, Bulawayo G Arnold new species; numerous workers & 1 queen
MYRMICINAE Messor capensis pseudoaegyptiacum Arnold 1920a Bulawayo area G Arnold all forms; most common variety in area
MYRMICINAE Messor decipiens Santschi 1917e Bulawayo G Arnold worker
MYRMICINAE Messor luebberti Bolton 1982x Bulawayo, Springvale G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Microdaceton exornatum Bolton 1983x Gwebi; Chishawasha K J Wilson; A Watsham workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium afrum Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers (Arnold, 1926, description of queen & male)
MYRMICINAE Monomorium albopilosum Arnold 1916x Springvale, Bulawayo & Matopo Hills G Arnold all forms, male & queen (new descriptions); ground nest with large mound of earth
MYRMICINAE Monomorium albopilosum thales Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Monomorium arnoldi Forel 1913a Mattopo Hills G Arnold new species, workers; on a Ficus tree
MYRMICINAE Monomorium binatu Bolton 1987x Vumba Mts, nr Umtali W L Brown new species, 17 workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium disertum Forel 1913j Shiloh G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium disertum petulans Santschi 1928f Sawmills G Arnold new variety, worker; 11.vii.1920
MYRMICINAE Monomorium emeryi Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium emeryi Arnold 1916x Redbank & Nyamandhlovu G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Monomorium exiguum bulawayensis Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium firmum Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 6000' G Arnold new species; 3 workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium junodi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers (?repeat record)
MYRMICINAE Monomorium junodi Bolton 1987x Victoria Falls; Harare W L Brown; A Watsham workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium lene Santschi 1920b Salisbury R W E Tucker new species, workers; iv.1917
MYRMICINAE Monomorium mediocre Bolton 1987x Umgusa R, Sawmills, Igusi G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium notulum Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold workers (repeat record)
MYRMICINAE Monomorium notulum dolichops Santschi 1928f Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium nuptialis Forel 1913j Bembesi G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium opacior Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers (queen described by Arnold, 1916)
MYRMICINAE Monomorium opacior serenum Santschi 1928f Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, all forms; 26.xi.1914
MYRMICINAE Monomorium opacum Bolton 1987x Lupone, Khami, Nantwich; Matopo Hills G Arnold; W L Brown workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium oscaris bulawayense Forel 1914d Bulawayo A M Macgregor new variety, dimorphic workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium oscaris bulawayense Arnold 1916x Hillside, Bulawayo A M Macgregor all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Monomorium pulchrum Santschi 1926b Sawmills; Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium rufulum (as nitidiventris) Forel 1910e Victoria Falls R Wroughton workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium rufulum (as nitidiventris) Forel 1914d Bulwayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium rufulum (as nitidiventris) Arnold 1916x several locations G Arnold all forms
MYRMICINAE Monomorium shilohense Forel 1913j Shiloh G Arnold new species, workers; in grassy soil;
MYRMICINAE Monomorium springvalense Forel 1913a Springvale, Matopos G Arnold new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Monomorium subopacum Arnold 1916x Bulawayo G Arnold workers & queen; uncommon
MYRMICINAE Monomorium symmotu Bolton 1987x Vumba Mts, nr Umtali W L Brown; R Mussard new species, holotype & 19 paratype workers; 11.iii.1969; other workers
MYRMICINAE Monomorium vecte Bolton 1987x Melsetter, Umtali R Mussard new species, holotype & 12 paratype workers; ii.1969
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria anomala Arnold 1960a Indumeni R headwaters B R Stuckenberg 8500-9200'
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria arnoldi Santschi 1925c Bembesi, Plumtree; Bulawayo G Arnold all forms
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria faurei rhodesiae Arnold 1958x Vumba Mts G Arnold at 5000', large nest in grassy ground
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria fusca nigerrima Arnold 1916x Matopo Hills G Arnold new variety, one worker
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria natalensis eumenoides Arnold 1916x widely distributed G Arnold all forms; large colonies
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria natalensis obscuriceps Santschi 1939b Bembeisi G Arnold 4 workers, 14.ii.1928
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria natalensis verticalis Santschi 1920i Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 9 workers
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria rhodesiae Arnold 1958x Vumba Mts G Arnold new species, large nest in ground at 5000ft
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria striata Forel 1913j Bembesi, Plumtree & Bulawayo G Arnold workers; relatively small nests in ground
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria striata angustithorax Arnold 1926x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new strain, numerous workers; common all over forest
MYRMICINAE Nesomyrmex angulatus Arnold 1916x Khami R & Matopo Hills G Arnold workers; on trees
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex foreli Arnold 1916x Redbank & Victoria Falls G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex fortior arnoldi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; and males at lights (common, GA 1916)
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex picardi Bolton 1981b Umgusa R, Sawmills G Arnold no details
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex sobek Bolton 1981b Victoria Falls G Arnold; H Swale; M Grabham no details
MYRMICINAE Ocymyrmex velox Santschi 1932a Otijimbimbi, Kusnene G Arnold iii.1923
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex alluaudi cataractae Santschi 1919a Victoria Falls G Arnold  
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex incertus Santschi 1919a Bulawayo, Hillside G Arnold new species, 2 workers, 30.i.1916
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex khamiensis Arnold 1952a Khami G Arnold Nest in granite sand
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex lucidus Santschi 1917b Bunthorne Mine, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype minor worker
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex perpusillus arnoldianus Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, major
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex perpusillus arnoldianus Arnold 1926x Bulawayo G Arnold majors & minors, under a stone
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex politus nicotianae Arnold 1948x Macheke G Arnold in tobacco seed bed
MYRMICINAE Pheidole arnoldi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, soldier & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole arnoldi Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole arnoldi Arnold 1920a fairly common G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Pheidole arnoldi ballaensis Arnold 1920a Balla-Balla G Arnold new variety, soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole arnoldi rufescens Arnold 1920a Sipapome, Umgusa R & Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole caffra Santschi 1939b Salisbury G Arnold soldiers & workers, new description; 21.xi.1929
MYRMICINAE Pheidole caffra montivaga Santschi 1939b Vumba Mts G Arnold new variety; all forms; 24.xi.1938
MYRMICINAE Pheidole crassinoda ruspolii Arnold 1920a Bulawayo (common in area) G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Pheidole liengmei Forel 1913a Bulawayo & Victoria Falls G Arnold new description, soldier & workers; nest usually under stones
MYRMICINAE Pheidole liengmei malindana Forel 1913a Malindi G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole liengmei micrartifex Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole liengmei shinsendensis Arnold 1920a Bembesi G Arnold soldiers (new description) & workers; populous nest in sandy soil
MYRMICINAE Pheidole maufei Arnold 1920a Belingwe G Arnold new species, soldiers & workers; nest in treehole
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala ilgi Forel 1907c Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, queen & male
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala ilgi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers & soldiers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala ilgi Arnold 1920a Bulawayo G Arnold all forms
MYRMICINAE Pheidole prelli politocciput Santschi 1916b Bulawayo & Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, worker & soldier
MYRMICINAE Pheidole prelli redbankensis Forel 1913a Redbanks G Arnold new variety, soldier & workers; in sand
MYRMICINAE Pheidole punctulata Forel 1910e   R Wroughton wokrers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole punctulata atrox Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold all forms (common, often in houses, GA 1920a)
MYRMICINAE Pheidole punctulata inquilina Forel 1914d Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new form, workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole rotundata Santschi 1932a Chiriada Forest Swynnerton workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole rotundata impressifrons Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold workers & soldiers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schultzei Forel 1910e Victoria Falls R Wroughton soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schultzei gwaaiensis Forel 1913a Gwaai; plentiful on Sandstone formations, Nyamandhlovu-Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, soldier & workers: GA notes, 1920a
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schultzei woodvalensis Arnold 1960b Woodvale, n of Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, soldier & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole sculpturata rhodesiana Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, soldier & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole sculpturata rhodesiana Arnold 1920a Bulawayo G Arnold soldiers, workers & male (new description)
MYRMICINAE Pheidole sculpturata zambesiana Forel 1913a Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, soldier & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole sculpturata zambesiana Arnold 1920a Shiloh G Arnold soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole spinulosa nexa Forel 1913a Bulawayo & Plumtree G Arnold new variety, soldier & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole spinulosa nexa Santschi 1939b Heany G Arnold soldiers & workers; 9.i.1938
MYRMICINAE Pheidole tenuinodis Arnold 1920a fairly common G Arnold soldiers, workers & queen (new description)
MYRMICINAE Pheidole tenuinodis sipapomae Arnold 1920a Sipapome, Umgusa R & Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, soldiers & workers; ground nesting, nest with several entrances
MYRMICINAE Pheidole victoris Forel 1913a Malindi G Arnold new species, soldier & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole xocensis Forel 1913j Xoce River G Arnold new species, soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pheidole xocensis bulawayensis Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, soldiers & workers
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Serra.) ludovici Bolton 1983x Melsetter; Chirinda Forest R Mussard; E S Ross & R E Leech workers
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Serra.) lujae Bolton 1983x Umtali, Melsetter; Vumba Mts R Mussard; W L Brown workers
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Serra.) simoni Bolton 1983x Victoria Falls; Harare W L Brown; A Watsham workers
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Serra.) simoni limbata Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; nest under a stone
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Smithi.) emarginata Brown 1953g Sawmills G Arnold workers, two colonies
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Smithi.) emarginata Bolton 1983x Gwebi; Chishawasha K J Wilson; A Watsham workers
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Smithi.) marginata Bolton 1983x Melsetter R Mussard workers
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Smithi.) nykara Bolton 1983x Umtali, Melsetter R Mussard new species, holotype & 4 paratype workers; 1700 m; ii.1969
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Smithi.) rusta Bolton 1983x Umtali, Melsetter R Mussard new species, holotype & 10 paratype workers; 1700 m; ii.1969
MYRMICINAE Rhoptromyrmex globulinodis obscurus Santschi 1932a Vumbu Mts G Arnold cloudland at 6000'
MYRMICINAE Solenopsis punctaticeps Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Solenopsis punctaticeps fur Santschi 1926b Cloudlands, Vumbu Mts., 5700' G Arnold new variety; worker
MYRMICINAE Solenopsis zambesiae Arnold 1926x Victoria Falls G Arnold new species, 2 workers; in rain forest under damp bark
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys arnoldi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype worker, in nest of Pachycondyla kruegeri
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys dyshaula Bolton 1983x Victoria Falls W L Brown new species, workers & queen; spray forest, rotten wood; 7.iii.1969
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys irrorata Bolton 1983x Melsetter R Mussard worker
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys mesahyla Bolton 1983x Bulawayo; Victoria Falls G Arnold new species, holotype, 8.ii.1914, in nest of Solenopsis & 4 paratype workers
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys mesahyla Bolton 1983x Victoria Falls W L Brown workers; spray forest; iii.1969
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys shaula Bolton 1983x Gwebi K J Wilson new species, 4 workers; pitfall trap
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys stygia Bolton 1983x Umtali, Melsetter R Mussard workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) arnoldi Forel 1913j Shiloh G Arnold new species, workers; in nest of Platythyrea lamellosa
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) arnoldi Arnold 1917x Bulawayo G Arnold workers & queen (new description)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) baufra Bolton 1976x Somabula Forest G Arnold new species, holotype & 8 paratype workers; 25.viii.1918
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) constanciae Arnold 1917x Matopo Hills G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) constanciae longispinosa Arnold 1956x Chirinda Forest G Arnold On forest path, nest in ground, entrance a simple hole
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) ericae Santschi 1917b Causton Farm, Umgusa R G Arnold new species (as Tr. pauper), workers; in sandy soil (also described by Arnold 1917)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) ericae Arnold 1917x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold as new species, workers & queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) furtivum Arnold 1956x Vumba Mts G Arnold Under damp leaves in forest
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) inezulae Bolton 1976x Lonely Mines H Swale workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) inezulae hepburni Arnold 1917x Matopo Hills & Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, all forms; in granite areas
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) inezulae mashonana Arnold 1949x Hunyani G Arnold  
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) microps Bolton 1976x Bembesi; Shiloh; Matopos G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) microps bulawayensis Arnold 1917x Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; living in nests of Platythyrea cribrinodis
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) microps fusciventris Forel 1913a   G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) microps rhodesiana Forel 1913j Bembesi G Arnold new variety, queens
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) sericeum Arnold 1926x Redbank G Arnold new species, workers; nest in loose sand
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Trig.) sericeum Bolton 1976x Victoria Falls G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) angulinode daphnis Santschi 1920b Bulawayo, Hillside G Arnold new variety, worker & queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) chloe Santschi 1920b Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) chloe Santschi 1920b Sawmills G Arnold new species, worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) chloe Bolton 1980x Umtali; Broken Hill G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) humbloti victoriensis Forel 1913a Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers; queen & male (GA 1917)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) humbloti victoriensis Forel 1913a Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) weitzeckeri Forel 1910e Victoria Falls R Wroughton workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) weitzeckeri Arnold 1917x Redbank; Bulawayo; Hope Fountain G Arnold workers & queens (new description); large nest under stones
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) weitzeckeri Bolton 1980x many locations many collectors workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (X.) weitzeckeri nigellus Santschi 1932a Vumbu Mts G Arnold at 5700'
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium agile Arnold 1960b Woodvale, n of Bulawayo G Arnold nest in loose sand
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium amaurum Bolton 1980x Redbank G Arnold new species, holotype & 10 paratype workers; 3.xii.1917
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium argenteopilosum Arnold 1926x Sawmills, Bulawayo; Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers & queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium berbiculum Bolton 1980x Nyamadhlovu G Arnold new species, holotype & 3 paratype workers; 27.xi.1960
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium bulawayense Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium bulawayense Arnold 1917x Bulawayo G Arnold workers & queen (new description); not common, nesting in grassy soil
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium bulawayense bruni Santschi 1917b Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium bulawayense mashona Arnold 1926x Umtali G Arnold new variety, workers; nesting in sandy paths
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium capense popovici Santschi 1924b Kimberlly? G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium cristatum Arnold 1917x   G Arnold all forms
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium do Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new species, all forms; nesting in sandy soil
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium flaviceps Arnold 1917x Matopo Hills G Arnold new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium flaviceps Bolton 1980x Lonely Mines H Swale workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium flaviceps mus Arnold 1917x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; fairly populous nests in ground
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium frenchi Bolton 1980x Cashel; Vumba Mts, Honde valley G Arnold; W L Brown workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium gazense Arnold 1958x Melsetter, 5000' G Arnold nest in a sandy path
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium gladstonei Forel 1913j Shiloh G Arnold new species, workers; in sandy soil (GA 1917)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium gladstonei Bolton 1980x Umtali; Lonely Mines; Wankie Nat Park G Arnold; W L Brown workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium hortorum Arnold 1958x Victoria Falls G Arnold nest in grass of tennis court, with a low crater
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium incruentatum Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new species, worker (renamed Arnold, 1926)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium incruentatum Bolton 1980x Sawmills; Bembesi R G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium intextum cataractae Santschi 1916b Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium jauresi latens Arnold 1948x Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 1 worker; with others, on a tree
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium jejunum Arnold 1926x Sawmills, Umgusa R G Arnold new species, workers; nesting in sandy soil
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium lobulicorne Santschi 1916b Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium lobulicorne Arnold 1917x Bulawayo G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium longicorne Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers; not common (GA 1917)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium longicorne Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium longicorne Bolton 1980x Wankie Nat park; Umtali W L Brown workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium luteolum Arnold 1926x Nyamandhlovu G Arnold new species, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium matapoense Arnold 1926x Mt Bambata, Matopos, 4800' G Arnold new species, workers; under dead leaves and moss
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium microgyna Bolton 1980x Woodvale, n of Bulawayo G Arnold queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium mossamedense Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium mossamedense Bolton 1980x Cawston Farm, Umgusa; Fletcher's Creek G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium mossamedense tristis Santschi 1917b Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; 19.x.1913
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium notiale Arnold 1917x common G Arnold new species, all forms; nests in grassy soil; 31.iii.1912
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium notiale Bolton 1980x Gwebi; Gwanda; Umatali, Cawston Farm K J Wilson; E S Ross & R E Leech; G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium oculatum Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold new species, holotype worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium oculatum Bolton 1980x 6 locations K J Wilson; E S Ross & R E Leech; G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium repentinum Arnold 1926x Sawmills, Bulawayo; Umtali G Arnold new species, workers; nests in sandy soil
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium semireticulatum Arnold 1917x Hillside, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers & males; in mounds of Platythyrea lamellosa
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium semireticulatum politum Arnold 1948x Matopos G Arnold in mounds of Platythyrea lamellosa
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sepositum Santschi 1918b Victoria Falls, Belingwe, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workes
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sepositum Bolton 1980x Lonely Mines H Swale workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre continentis Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, all forms (generally common, GA 1917)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre defricta Santschi 1918b Malindi G Arnold new variety, workers & queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre gamai Santschi 1918b Bulawayo, Gwaii & Salisbury G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre georgei Santschi 1918b Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre gladiator Santschi 1928f Cloudland, 6000' G Arnold new variety, workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre vascoi Santschi 1918b Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, worker & queen
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium setigerum quaerens Forel 1914d Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers; not common
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium setuliferum Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium setuliferum Arnold 1917x common G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium setuliferum Bolton 1980x many locations many collectors workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium shilohense Forel 1913j Shiloh & Bembesi G Arnold new species, workers; 10.v.1913 & 12.i.1913; in nests of Platythyrea cribrinodis & Pachycondyla berthoudi
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium shilohense Bolton 1980x Gwebi; Umtali Heights K J Wilson; E S Ross & R E Leech workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simulator Arnold 1917x Malindi G Arnold new species, workers; preying on termites
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simulator Bolton 1980x Lonely Mines H Swale workers
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium subcoecum inscia Forel 1913j Bulawayo; Matopo Hills G Arnold new variety, worker
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium umtaliense Arnold 1926x Umtali G Arnold new species, workers; nest in hard ground;
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium zambezium Santschi 1939b Victoria Falls G Arnold new species, 4 workers; 1917
PONERINAE Anochetus bequaerti Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold workers, under a stone
PONERINAE Anochetus bequaerti Arnold 1915x Bulawayo G Arnold all forms (queen & male new descriptions)
PONERINAE Anochetus levaillanti Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold workers
PONERINAE Anochetus levaillanti Arnold 1915x Springvale G Arnold workers & queen (new description)
PONERINAE Anochetus pubescens Brown 1978c Vumba Mts, nr Umtali W L Brown new species, holotype worker; from under a rock in grassy area
PONERINAE Anochetus traegaordhi angusticornis Arnold 1946x Balla Balla G Arnold nest in granite soil
PONERINAE Anochetus traegaordhi angusticornis Arnold 1946x Balla Balla G Arnold new variety, 2 workers
PONERINAE Centromyrmex bequaerti rufigaster Arnold 1916x Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, alate queen
PONERINAE Centromyrmex constanciae Arnold 1915x Bembesi, Bulawayo G Arnold new species, worker & queen; nests under large stones
PONERINAE Centromyrmex constanciae Arnold 1926x Bembesi, Bulawayo G Arnold male (new description)
PONERINAE Hypoponera cognata Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold workers; under remains of snake, preying on Poduridae (GA, 1915)
PONERINAE Hypoponera cognata Santschi 1926b Victoria Falls G Arnold worker
PONERINAE Hypoponera dulcis Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold workers
PONERINAE Hypoponera ragusae bulawayensis Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 1 worker
PONERINAE Hypoponera spei Santschi 1926b Cloud & Vumbu Mts G Arnold 4 workers; 6000'
PONERINAE Leptogenys arnoldi Forel 1913a Plumtree G Arnold new species, workers & male; queen description, single collection, nest in sandy ground (GA 1915)
PONERINAE Leptogenys castanea Bolton 1975a Bulawayo G Arnold worker
PONERINAE Leptogenys ferrarii Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype worker, in garden
PONERINAE Leptogenys ferrarii Bolton 1975a Lonely Mine; Cecil Kop nr Umtali H Swale; W L Brown workers
PONERINAE Leptogenys intermedia Bolton 1975a Chirinda Forest, Vumba Mts, Umtali; Salisbury G Arnold; G H Bunzli workers
PONERINAE Leptogenys maxillosa Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
PONERINAE Leptogenys maxillosa Bolton 1975a Honde Valley, Mtarazi R W L Brown workers
PONERINAE Leptogenys schwabi Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; nocturnal or crepuscular (GA 1915)
PONERINAE Leptogenys schwabi Bolton 1975a Chirinda Forest, Umtali G Arnold workers
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes Forel 1913a   G Arnold workers; all froms (GA 1915)
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) crassa Taylor 2005w Bulawayo ? worker; South African Museum; 20.viii.1913
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) crassa crassior Santschi 1932a Mtetengwe G Arnold  
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) granosa Arnold 1926x Victoria Falls L Peringuey workers; in Forel, 1914d
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) kruegeri Taylor 2005w Homestead Farm, Esigodini A Hart worker
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) kruegeri rhodesiana Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) kruegeri rhodesiana Arnold 1915x Bulawayo G Arnold workers & male (new description); nests under stones, males common at lights
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) pumicosa sculpturata Santschi 1912b ? Demarchi new variety, holotype queen
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothr.) soror Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold workers; uncommon, nests under stones, smells like cockroaches (GA 1915)
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachy.) sennaarensis Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers & queens; GA notes (1915) - most common ponerine around Bulawayo
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Mega.) analis Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers; GA notes and queen & male description (1915); "very common"
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Meso.) caffraria Forel 1913a Springvale G Arnold workers; all forms, with male description Arnold, 1915
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Meso.) subiridescens Santschi 1939b Thirinda Forest G Arnold 1 worker
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Ophth.) berthoudi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers; locally common (GA 1915) nests under stones or in deserted termite mounds
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Palto.) tarsata Arnold 1915x widespread G Arnold all forms
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Palto.) tarsata delagoensis Santschi 1919h   G Arnold worker
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Palto.) tarsata mediana Santschi 1925h R. Loeti Rohan Chabot 1 worker, xi.1913
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Trachy.) brunoi Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers; queen (described by Arnold, 1915); nests under stones
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (X.) elisae arnoldi Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (X.) elisae redbankensis Forel 1913a Redbank G Arnold new variety, workers
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (X.) elisae rotundata Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
PONERINAE Platythyrea arnoldi Forel 1913j Shiloh G Arnold new species, workers
PONERINAE Platythyrea arnoldi Arnold 1926x Bulawayo, Hillside & Victoria Falls G Arnold all forms, male & queen (new descriptions)
PONERINAE Platythyrea cribrinodis Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
PONERINAE Platythyrea cribrinodis Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold males
PONERINAE Platythyrea cribrinodis brevidentata(punctata) Arnold 1915x Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, workers
PONERINAE Platythyrea lamellosa rhodesiana Forel 1913a   G Arnold new variety, workers & male; distinctive nest with dome of small pebbles over entrance
PONERINAE Platythyrea matopoensis Arnold 1915x Matopo Hills G Arnold new species, queens
PONERINAE Platythyrea matopoensis Arnold 1926x Essexvale G Arnold male (new description); taken at light
PONERINAE Platythyrea schultzei Arnold 1915x Lonely Mine Dr Swale workers
PONERINAE Platythyrea schultzei Arnold 1926x Bulawayo & Victoria Falls G Arnold workers & male (new description)
PONERINAE Platythyrea schultzei Brown 1975x Wankie National Park W L Brown workers; 2 collections
PONERINAE Platythyrea schultzei lata Santschi 1930a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, worker
PONERINAE Plectroctena conjugata Santschi 1939b Chrin de Forest G Arnold 1 worker
PONERINAE Plectroctena conjugata Bolton 1974b Vumba Mts; Umtali, Cecil Kop G Arnold; W L Brown workers
PONERINAE Plectroctena mandibularis Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold workers
PONERINAE Plectroctena mandibularis Bolton 1974b many locations numerous workers
PONERINAE Plectroctena subterranea Arnold 1915x Bulawayo & Shiloh G Arnold new species, 2 workers, 1 queen (workers dead in other ant rubbish heaps)
PROCERATIINAE Discothyrea oculata Arnold 1926x Victoria Falls G Arnold 1 queen, from rain forest
PROCERATIINAE Proceratium arnoldi Forel 1913j Bulawayo G Arnold new species, holotype worker, under a stone; GA (1915x) 1 worker in nest of Platythyrea cribrinodis
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera ambigua rhodesiana Forel 1913a Plumtree G Arnold new variety, workers
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera ambigua rhodesiana Arnold 1916x Bembesi G Arnold queen (new description); nesting in thin twigs of Acacia
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera angusta Arnold 1949x Bulawayo G Arnold new species, 2 workers
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera natalensis bulawayana Forel 1913a Bulawayo G Arnold new variety, 1 worker
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera natalensis bulawayana Arnold 1916x Plumtree; Victoria Falls G Arnold workers
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Tetraponera schulthessi Santschi 1928d Sawmills G Arnold description of worker; 12.xi.1920

© 2006 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
