The Ants of Africa
Genus Hypoponera
Hypoponera abyssinica (Santschi)

Hypoponera abyssinica (Santschi)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Ethiopia (Ponera (Hypoponera) Jeanneli Sants. stirps abyssinica n. st., Santschi, 1938b: 80, illustrated, worker & queen; raised to species, Ponera (Hypoponera) abyssinica, by Bernard (1952) - queen see below, worker no images on Antweb (January 2015)

Worker and queen described (new combination in Hypoponera, in Bolton, 1995) .

Provisionally synonymised under Hypoponera jeanneli by Bolton & Fisher (2011: 87). Santschi (1938b) however, gave the colour as dark brownish-yellow, head blackish brown. I therefore retain it as a distinct species.

{Hypoponera abyssinica}Santschi's (1938b) description is at {original description}.

{Hypoponera abyssinica}WORKER (from Guinea, after, Bernard, 1952) - TL in range 2.6-3.3 mm; differs from jeanneli (described from Kenya and Uganda) in structure of clypeus and thorax. Identical to the types of abyssinica from Abyssinia - head more shiny, brown and eyeless, like dulcis but separable by clypeus and propodeum-petiole profiles; clypeus with distinct medial carina, mandibles with 3-5 teeth; body without flattened pilosity.

From Guinea; common at Nimba, Mount Tô: locations B1 28, ravine 1 (8.11.1942), 3 workers, 1 queen; B1 30, ravine 1, 4 workers; B2 41, ravine 1 (21.ii.1942) 5 workers; Camp 1, 5 workers (Bernard, 1952).

{Hypoponera abyssinica}The photomontage of the type queen is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Hypoponera abyssinica
B Taylor det.

V Grebennikov

Usambara Mts
5°05' S
38°38' E
Amani NR, Zigi Lodge, 2200 m

{Hypoponera abyssinica}The photomontage is of a worker from Usambara Mts, Tanzania; Zigi Lodge, Amani NR; collector Vasily Grebennikov.

© 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
