Hypoponera hlavaci Taylor new species
Type location South
Africa .
DESCRIPTION: Petiole scale a thick node, almost as wide seen
from above as high, with the anterior and posterior faces in profile
completely parallel, sides also vertircal rounding apically into a
shallowly convex dorsum, longitudinal thickness about 3/4 of transverse
width; apex higher than the level of the propodeum dorsum; side of
alitrunk without a suture between
mesonotum and mesopleuron; propodeum
declivity laterally bordered and shallowly concave; posterior face of
petiole node totally smooth; first segment of gaster distinctly wider
than second; head with weakly
convex sides and even more weakly convex occiput; clypeus with strong
median carina; without eyes; almost totally lacking in erect hairs;
head with quite coarse, dense spiculate sculpturation; rest of body
shiny brown but with faint surface roughening rather than
sculpturation, appendages contrasting
TL ca 3.5 mm, HL 0.72, HW 0.60, SL 0.50, PW 0.38, WL
1.00; CI 78, SI 84,
LPeI 45 PeNI 90 DPeI 188 (aprora
LPeI 56 PeNI 78 DPeI 137-150). DPeI much greater than any other species
Named in recognition of the collector.
Specimen deposited in the Oxford University Museum of
Natural History.
The photomontage is of the holotype worker from South
Kwazulu, Natal, South Africa, Dragensberge (Injiauti NP), S 29°07.7' E
29°25.3'; 1500 m; 6.ii.2004; collector Peter Hlavác.