Hypoponera mesoepinotalis (Weber)
Type location South Sudan (Ponera
mesoepinotalis, sp. nov., Weber, 1942a: 44, illustrated, worker)
from Mount Imatong, collected by the author; worker only described (new
combination in Hypoponera, in Bolton, 1995) .
Bolton & Fisher (2011: 87) place it as a junior
synonym of Hypoponera
Weber's (1942a) description is at .
WORKER (after Bernard, 1952) - TL 3.0 mm; colour brown;
antennal scape not surpassing the occiput; eyes very close to the
mandibles; mandibles probably with less than 8 teeth. Propodeum angle
more obtuse than Hypoponera
breviceps, declivity longer than dorsum.
In Bernard's (1952) key to species from West Africa, but
no details given other than the note "Monts Imatong (Soudan)".