Hypoponera occidentalis (Bernard)
Type location Guinea (Ponera
(Hypoponera) occidentalis n. sp., in Bernard, 1952: 205,
illustrated, worker) from Mt. Nimba, Crête de Nion, station B6 26,
1300m, 19.1v.1946, collector Lamotte, holotype and 3 other workers -
see below
junior synonym intermedia (Ponera (Hypoponera) intermedia
n. sp., Bernard, 1952: 206,
illustrated, worker)
from Mt. Nimba, Mount Tô, station B 1.30, ravine 1, collected by
Lamotte; holotype worker only; synonymy by Bolton & Fisher, 2011:
78) - see below
worker only described (new combination in Hypoponera, in
Bolton, 1995) .
(after Bernard, 1952) - TL 3.0-3.3 mm, HL 0.8, HW 0.7
Colour dull reddish-brown, head lighter and more shiny, but this is
hidden by the dense recumbent white pilosity (like that of ursa),
the pilosity giving a matt appearance to the rest of the body.
Puncturation denser than the other brown "Ponera", composed of
medium sized punctures, separated by spaces of a similar size to the
punctures, specially regularly arranged on the head. Head only slightly
elongated, sides slightly convex, widest at the midpoint. The concave
vertex is not reached by the antennal scapes, although those attain the
mid-point of the vertex concavity. No sign of eyes, although that may
be due to the density of the puncturation. Clypeus short, feebly
angular anteriorly. Mandibles very puncturated and less curved than
other species, 7-8 denticles subtend a short tooth, followed by 4 sharp
teeth. Declivity of propodeum flat, twice as long as the dorsum and
sharply bordered. Petiole scale more voluminous than that of petiolata,
much larger than the propodeum, rounded and overall higher than that of
Bernard (1952) noted that it was close to Hypoponera ursa,
from eastern Africa, differing by the lack of eyes, colour, mandible
structure and a very voluminous petiole scale.
The photomontage of the
type worker is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0915484.
The photomontage of the
intermedia type worker is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0915485.
Oxford University Museum
Hypoponera occidentalis
B Taylor det.
A Fotso Kuate
Pachycondyla sp7
Awae II
03°54'30" N
11°25'58" E
Pitfall in forest
The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun, Awae II; collector A Fotso Kuate (fk
pachycondyla sp7).
Earlier listed by me as the (now) junior synonym intermedia.
Slightly smaller than either of the Liberia type specimens.
Bolton & Fisher's re-description can be found in http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/list/2011/2843.html
The photomontage of a
worker from Gabon, FC Mondah, NNW Libreville, 24.ii.1998, B L Fisher;
is from Bolton &
Fisher (2011) and is also on http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0218494.
Note a specimen listed in their paper from Tanzania and
on Antweb at http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0192381
is a much darker brown.