Hypoponera sinuosa (Bernard)
Type location Guinea,
(Ponera sinuosa n. sp., Bernard, 1952: 204, illustrated, worker
& queen) from Mt. Nimba; holotype worker and one queen from,
station B2-41, ravine I of the Mount Tô forest 21.ii.1942, collected by
Worker and queen described (new combination in Hypoponera,
in Bolton, 1995) .
(after Bernard, 1952) - TL 2.2 mm, HL 0.7, HW 0.6
Colour testaceous yellow, gaster darker except anteriorly; shiny, with
little puncturation; fine whitish hairs. Head relatively short, sides
sub-parallel, widest in anterior third. Eyes distinctive, 3-4 facets,
black, very elongated, set some 1.5 times their length back from the
mandibles (other "Ponera" have their eyes generally rounded and
set some 6 times their length back from the mandibles). Vertex of head
concave; antennal scapes not reaching the vertex. Clypeus smooth,
almost flat, centrally with a feeble convexity but not carinate;
anterior border rectilinear. Mandibles with 6 clear teeth, plus 4 small
teeth. Propodeum, with its faces subequal, in profile declivity very
sinuous - hence the species name; contrasting with other "Ponera"
where the propodeum profile is more or less rectilinear.
Bernard (1952) emphasised how sinuosa by its
shiny integument resembled the subgenus "Hypoponera" but
nevertheless it has a well defined metanotal groove. The eyes and the
propodeum set it apart from all other genus members in Africa.
Also known from Ivory Coast, cotype worker from
H31, 30.vii.1945, Delamare-Debouteville (Bernard, 1952).
Bolton & Fisher's re-description (not illustrated)
can be found in http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/list/2011/2843.html