Nigeria specimens (as Acantholepis spinosior,
Taylor, 1978: 37). WORKER. TL 2.43 mm, HL 0.65, HW 0.59, SL 0.76, PW
Colour black or dark red-brown, extremities lighter. Appearance dull
because of an overall sculpturation of fine spiculation. Erect coarse,
dark brown hairs moderately abundant on the body but sparse on the
head. Propodeal prominences spinose. Petiole spines well developed and
curving backwards.
Occasionally seen foraging on cocoa and will tend aphids; also found on
Also found in Ghana, as Acantholepis
spinosior Forel (type location Zimbabwe, see Bolton, 1995),
throughout the Mampong Cemetery Farm by Room (1971). Twenty-four
workers were collected on the ground from a block of mature Amelonado
cocoa at CRIG by Bigger (1981a).