Lepisiota xxxx Sudan JM 362 Taylor new species
Type location Sudan,
worker only described .
DESCRIPTION: Very distinctive shiny unsculptured, yellow brown, gaster
darker; pronotum dorsally flattened; head sub-square, widest behind the
eyes; eyes ovoid moderately convex (0.37 X length of side of head); in
profile head sub-circular with broadly convex lower side; clypeus with
strong median carina running right to anterior margin; propodeum dorsum
with distinctive longitudinal septum; petiole narrow and emarginate
apically; abundant erect yellow pilosity (ca 0.16 mm long)
TL ca 2.7 mm, HL 0.68, HW 0.58, CI 90, SL 0.73, SI
131, PW 0.43
Khordonia 1 tree (6). Holotype and two other workers
Name in recognition of ???.
Specimens deposited in the Oxford University Museum of
Natural History.
photomontage is of a specimen from Sudan,
collected by J Mathews, by pyrethrum fogging of Acacia senegal;
Khordonia, Damazine Plantation, Blue Nile - 11°51' N 34°15' E; JM 362;
14.x.2001, 3 workers.