Leptogenys erythraea Emery
Type location Eritrea
(Leptogenys Stuhlmanni Mayr sottosp. erylhraea nov.
subsp., Emery, 1902c: 33, worker; name corrected by Forel, 1907c: 131,
male; raised to species by Bolton, 1975a: 257, not illustrated, type
location given as Ethiopia) .
Emery's (1902c) description (as ) is at . Forel's (1907c) description (as L.
stuhlmanni ssp erythraea) is at . Arnold's (1915) translation (as L.
stuhlmanni ssp erythraea) of the male (?) is at . Bolton's modern description (1975a) is at
WORKER - TL 9.7-10.8 mm; metapleuron sculptured; eyes
diameter up to 0.54 or more; antennal scapes long, SI > 200.