Leptogenys nuserra Bolton
Type location Ghana
(Bolton, 1975a: 269, worker, not illustrated) .
Holotype worker and queen from Mt. Atewa, ant ecology
29.vii.1966, D. Leston); other collections at CRIG (22.vii and
18.x.1966), Mt. Atewa (pkd, 8.viii.1969), Sajimasi (on trunk,
25.vii.1969) (all D. Leston) (Bolton, 1975a). Also found (16 workers)
in leaf litter samples from five sites- Kade and Nankasi under cocoa,
Atewa Forest Reserve (two) and Bunso secondary primary forest, at dates
in 1992, by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).
Bolton's description is at .
WORKER - small, TL 4.0 mm; upper halves of sides of
sulcate. Dorsum of head deeply punctate. Pronotum sculptured.
Relatively short scapes. Colour black; legs, mandibles and scapes
brown; funiculi yellow-brown.
Otherwise known from the Ivory Coast, at Banco
6 workers and 1 female (8.i.1963, W.L. Brown) (Bolton, 1975a).