Leptogenys stygia Bolton
Type location Nigeria
(Bolton, 1975a: 292, not illustrated, worker); collected at the Cocoa
Research Institute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre,, holotype worker and 7
paratype workers, in a small piece of wet-rotten wood under a fallen
banana stem (3.xi.1969, B. Bolton) .
specimen (Taylor, 1976: 23). TL 3.0-3.2 mm, HL
0.68-0.74, HW 0.48-0.52, SL 0.54-0.58, PW 0.38-0.42
Colour dark red-brown to black, lighter on extremities, yellow antennal
funiculi, shiny. Eyes small. Head with fairly pronounced hair-pits.
Propodeum and lateral metanotum with rugulose sculpture. Gaster smooth
except for minute hair-pits.
Also present in Cameroun, no details except a
was collected by G. Terron (Bolton, 1975a).