The Ants of Africa
Ants from Sudan collected by J H Mathews - Rahad

J Mathews page

Collection locality: Rahad Research Area - 12°56' N 30°35' E; Nov-Dec 2000, 15 plots; June-July 2001, 21 plots; Sept-Oct 2001, 21 plots

Mathews' thesis, Appendix D, pp 327-8; species recorded - frequency (numerical abundance)


Nov-Dec 2000: Camponotus sp 04 - 1 (2); Lepisiota sp 06 - 2 (8); Crematogaster sp 02 - 2 (55); Leptothorax sp 01 - 1 (1); Leptothorax sp 03 - 1 (1); Monomorium sp 01 - 1(1); Monomorium sp 02 - 1 (1); Monomorium sp 04 - 6 (90)

June-July 2001: Camponotus sp 01 - 6 (12); Camponotus sp 04 - 1 (2); Lepisiota sp 01 - 1 (2); Lepisiota sp 03 - 1 (1); Lepisiota sp 06 - 1 (1); Crematogaster sp 02 - 2 (139)

Sep-Oct 2001: Anoplolepis sp 01 - 1 (1); Camponotus sp 02 - 1 (1); Camponotus sp 04 - 4 (5`); Lepisiota sp 04 - 1 (2); Lepisiota sp 06 - 6 (21); Plagiolepis sp 02 - 6 (24); Monomorium sp 04 - 1 (2)

Semi-Natural Woodland

Nov-Dec 2000: Anoplolepis sp 01 - 2 (2); Camponotus sp 01 - 1 (1); Camponotus sp 04 - 4 (6); Lepisiota sp 02 - 1 (9); Lepisiota sp 06 - 6 (81)

June-July 2001: Tapinoma  sp 02 - 2 (5); Camponotus sp 01 - 5 (17); Lepisiota sp 01 - 1 (1); Lepisiota sp 02 - 1 (1); Lepisiota sp 06 - 1 (1); Plagiolepis sp 01 - 2 (3); Plagiolepis sp 02 - 3 (3); Crematogaster sp 01 - 1 (1); Crematogaster sp 02 - 5 (137); Diplomorium sp 01 - 1 (1); Eutetramorium 1 (123); Myrmicinae indet 01 - 1 (1); Monomorium sp 02 - 2 (8); Monomorium sp 04 - 1 (1)

Sep-Oct 2001: Tapinoma sp 02 - 8 (28); Camponotus sp 04 - 8 (59); Lepisiota sp 06 - 3 (3); Monomorium sp 05 - 2 (8); Pheidole sp 01 - 2 (5); Pheidole sp 03 - 1 (2); indet sp 05 - 1 (1)

Material examined
Nov-Dec 2000 - 15 P 12 SNW (none received by me)
June-July 2001 - 21 P (examined 4 tubes) 18 SNW (examined 4 tubes)
Sept-Oct 2001 - 21 P (examined 2 tubes) 20 SNW (examined 8 tubes)

No Species Specimens
Location Date
Notes Prior reports
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus 1 worker
N Kordofan, Rahad Plantation
Canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
279 ??
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) rivai
N Kordofan, Rahad Plantation 12.vii.2001
Canopy fogging of Acacia senegal numerous
Myrmicine queen

N Kordofan, Rahad Plantation 12.vii.2001
Canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
2 workers
Kordofan, Rahad Plantation 12.vii.2001
Canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
Lepisiota gracilicornis
1 worker
Kordofan, Rahad Plantation
Canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
311 ?
Lepisota albata
12 workers
Kordofan, Rahad 5.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus 19 workers
Kordofan, Rahad 5.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Monomorium pullulum 5 workers
Kordofan, Rahad 5.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus i worker
Kordofan, Rahad 5.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Tapinoma luteum
4 workers
Kordofan, Rahad 5.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus 2 workers
Kordofan, Rahad
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus 2 workers
Kordofan, Rahad
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Pheidole escherichii
1 minor
Kordofan, Rahad 3.x.2001 Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
Tapinoma luteum
2 workers
Kordofan, Rahad 3.x.2001 Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal 6 unmounted
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus 1 worker
Kordofan, Rahad 5.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus
1 worker
Kordofan, Rahad 2.x.2001
Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal
Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus 1 worker Kordofan, Rahad 2.x.2001 Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal unmounted
Pheidole saxicola
1 minor Kordofan, Rahad 2.x.2001 Semi-natural forest, canopy fogging of Acacia senegal

© 2010 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
