Messor ferreri Collingwood
Type location Kenya
(Collingwood, 1993: 229, illustrated, worker) - no images on Antweb (January 2015) .
(1993) description is at .
I previously thought this might be a junior synonym of Messor ruginodis
but specimens of the latter from Sudan, and that from Kenya below, show
the separation of ferreri.
Collingwood's image may be slightly misleading as he notes the three
paratype workers do not have erect hairs on the propodeum; the
illustrated specimen also peculiarly only had a single erect hair on
the propodeum, one would expect such hairs to at least be paired.
That shown below has no erect hairs on the propodeum but is probably a
media specimen. The heavily striated and obtusely angular propodeum,
sculptured petiole and quite thick scape set it aside also from Messor galla I have from Sudan
and West Africa.
Oxford University Museum
Messor ferreri
B Taylor det.
Dupont & Braet
0°0’42.9" N
38°14’52.3" E
Messor ferreri
B Taylor det. |
A Pauly
Simien Mts
13°11' N
38°04' E
3252 m
Yellow pan trap st 22
Media & minor workers |
The photomontage is of a worker from Kenya,
Subukia, 24.iii-11.iv.2010; 0°0'42.9" N 36°14'52.3" E; collectors
Dupont & Braet.
The photomontage is of a
media worker from Ethiopia, Mt Simiens; A Pauly.
The photomontage is of a
minor worker from Ethiopia, Mt Simiens; A Pauly.