Hagensia havilandi (Forel)
Type location South
Africa (Megaloponera (Hagensia) Havilandi n. sp. and n.
subgen., Forel, 1901f: 333, worker;
Arnold, 1915: 68, male; in Pachycondyla
Bolton, 1995: 305; new placement by Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 111)
Natal, Haviland.
fochi (Euponera
(Hagensia) Havilandi For. v. Fochi
n. v., Forel, 1918b: 155, worker) from South Africa, Durban - no images
on Antweb (November 2018).
godfreyi (Hagensia
Havilandi For. race Godfreyi
n. r., Arnold, 1926: 203, worker & male) from South Africa, Pirie,
King William's Town, Rev R Godfrey - no images on Antweb (November
marleyi (Hagensia
Havilandi For. race Marleyi
n. r., Arnold, 1926: 203, worker) from South Africa, Eshowe, Zululand,
H B Marley - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0900676
junior synonym sulcigera (Euponera (Mesoponera) sulcigera
n. spec.,
Mayr, 1904a: 593, worker; synonymy by Arnold, 1915: 61) - see https://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0915664.
worker and male only described (see Bolton, 1995) .
photomontage is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=sam-hym-c005378a
South Africa: Natal; Ukilinga Research Farm, 10km SE
of Pietermaritzburg; 29°40'00"S 030°24'00"E 840m Collection
Information: Collection codes: SAM-HYM-C005378 Date: 31 Dec 1991
Collected by: B.Chambers Method: pitfall trapping
Habitat: grassland
Specimens of marleyi can be seen on the
Antweb.org site at http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=sam-hym-c001445a
and (a male) http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=sam-hym-c001445b
both from South Africa: Natal: Mkuze Game Reserve; 27°36'00"S
032°13'00"E; Collection codes: SAM-HYM-C001445; Date: Collected by:
C.Peeters. The main obvious difference from the type is the heavier
build, as drawn by Arnold and a greater amount of fine pubescence.