The Ants of Africa
Genus Paedalgus Paedalgus infimus (Santschi)
Paedalgus infimus (Santschi)
Type location Guinea
(Oligomyrmex infimus n. sp., in Santschi, 1913e: 459, worker)
at Kindia, by F. Silvestri; type series only known, holotype and at
least 4 other workers (Bolton & Belshaw, 1993; see Bolton, 1995) .
Santschi's (1913e) use of the name is at and his description (1914d: 364), as Paedalgus
infimus, is at .
Bolton & Belshaw's modern description (1993) is at
WORKER - TL 1.0-1.1 mm; distinguished as in key by
standing hairs other than on the hind gaster, colour uniform dull
yellow (Bolton & Belshaw, 1993, not illustrated).