The Ants of Africa
Genus Paratrechina
Paraparatrechina concinnata LaPolla & Cheng

Paratrechina concinnata LaPolla & Cheng

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Gabon (LaPolla & Cheng, 2010: 8, illustrated, worker), from Monts Doudou; worker only described .

WORKER - SL <0.72 mm; tibiae whitish to brownish-yellow, all trochanters white; mandibles and antennae yellowish-brown, contrasting with brown head; pubescence golden
TL 1.73-2.16 mm, HL 0.49-0.53, HW 0.38-0.43, CI 75-86, SL 0.63-0.69, SI 158-173

Other material examined: Gabon, 6 other collections in Monts Doudou area; Cameroun, 5 locations; Central African Republic, Dzanga-Ndoki NP, 10 collections

Paraparatrechina concinnataThe photomontage is collated from Locality: Gabon: Ogooue-Maritime Res. , Monts Doudou, 25.2 km 304° NW Doussala; 02°13.6'S 010°23.7'E 640 m Collection codes: 2246 Collected by: B.L. Fisher; Habitat: beating low vegetation Date: 14.iii.2000

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
