Paratrechina impolita (LaPolla & Fisher)
Type location Gabon (LaPolla
& Fisher, 2011: 15, worker, illustrated) Prov. Ogooue-Maritime:
Reserve des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 307° NW Doussala, 2°13.35’ S,
10°24.35’ E, elev. 350 m; malaise trap, coastal lowland rainforest,
forest margin along river; 9–10.iii.2000 (S. van Noort) (CASC)
(CASENT0179589); 1 paratype worker, same label data as holotype; 1
paratype worker with same label data as holotype except date:
8.iii.2000; 1 paratype worker with same label data as holotype except
date: 6–7.iii.2000 (CASC, USNM) .
overall dark brown with rugulose head and mesosoma; SL ≥ 0.9 mm.
Overall the worker matches the description of Paratrechina lepida with
following differences: 1) larger overall size (TL 2.6–3.1); 2) scape
length ≥ 0.9 mm; 3) head and alitrunk rugulose; 4) mesopleuron with
distinct rugulae; 5) alitrunk
more elongated with lower pronotum than in P. lepida (WL ≥ 1.0 mm); 6)
generally with more erect stout hairs present on the scapes (SMC >
20, often exceeding 30).
Measurements (n =
6): TL 2.6–3.1 HW 0.59–0.74 HL 0.7–0.8 EL 0.17–0.18 SL
0.91–0.98 PW 0.4–0.48 WL 1.0–1.05 GL: 0.9–1.4
Indices: CI: 83–93
REL 21–24 SI 131–161
The queen and male castes are currently unknown for this
Non-type material examined. ANGOLA: 7 miles west Gabela,
10°15.209' S,
14°22.216' E*, 16–18 March 1975; CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: PN
Dzanga-Ndoki, Mabea Bai, 21.4 km, 53° NE Bayanga, 3°02.00' N, 16°24.60'
E, 510 m, 7 May 2001 (B.L. Fisher); GABON: Prov. Ogooue-Maritime,
Reserve des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 307° NW Doussala, 2°13.35' S,
10°24.35' E, 350 m, 6–8 March 2000 (S. van Noort); Prov. Ogooue-Mari-
time, Reserve des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 304° NW Doussala, 2°13.63' S
10°23.67' E, 600 m, 16–18 March 2000 (S. van Noort); Prov. Woleu-Ntem
31.3 km 108° ESE Minvoul, 2°04.8'N 12°24.4' E, 600 m, 12 Feb 1998 (B.L.
Fisher); GHANA: Enchi, 5°49.074' N, 2°49.466' W*, 28 May 1967 (D.
Leston); Bunso nr. Tafo, 6°12' N, 1°49' W*, 30 July 1969 (D. Leston);
Atewa, 6°10.000' N, 0°36.000' W*, 8 Aug 1964 (D. Leston)
Notes. This species has one of the longest scapes of any African Paratrechina (SL ≥ 0.9). It is most
likely to be confused with P. lepida,
but that is generally smaller in overall size and its cuticle is
typically very smooth and shining.