The Ants of Africa
Genus Paratrechina
Paratrechina impolita (LaPolla & Fisher)

Paratrechina impolita (LaPolla & Fisher)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Gabon (LaPolla & Fisher, 2011: 15, worker, illustrated) Prov. Ogooue-Maritime: Reserve des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 307° NW Doussala, 2°13.35’ S, 10°24.35’ E, elev. 350 m; malaise trap, coastal lowland rainforest, forest margin along river; 9–10.iii.2000 (S. van Noort) (CASC) (CASENT0179589); 1 paratype worker, same label data as holotype; 1 paratype worker with same label data as holotype except date: 8.iii.2000; 1 paratype worker with same label data as holotype except date: 6–7.iii.2000 (CASC, USNM) .

Diagnosis: Worker overall dark brown with rugulose head and mesosoma; SL ≥ 0.9 mm.
Description. Overall the worker matches the description of Paratrechina lepida with the following differences: 1) larger overall size (TL 2.6–3.1); 2) scape length ≥ 0.9 mm; 3) head and alitrunk rugulose; 4) mesopleuron with distinct rugulae; 5) alitrunk more elongated with lower pronotum than in P. lepida (WL ≥ 1.0 mm); 6) generally with more erect stout hairs present on the scapes (SMC > 20, often exceeding 30).
Measurements (n = 6): TL 2.6–3.1 HW 0.59–0.74 HL 0.7–0.8 EL 0.17–0.18 SL 0.91–0.98 PW 0.4–0.48 WL 1.0–1.05 GL: 0.9–1.4
Indices: CI: 83–93 REL 21–24 SI 131–161

The queen and male castes are currently unknown for this species.

Non-type material examined. ANGOLA: 7 miles west Gabela, 10°15.209' S, 14°22.216' E*, 16–18 March 1975; CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: PN Dzanga-Ndoki, Mabea Bai, 21.4 km, 53° NE Bayanga, 3°02.00' N, 16°24.60' E, 510 m, 7 May 2001 (B.L. Fisher); GABON: Prov. Ogooue-Maritime, Reserve des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 307° NW Doussala, 2°13.35' S, 10°24.35' E, 350 m, 6–8 March 2000 (S. van Noort); Prov. Ogooue-Mari- time, Reserve des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 304° NW Doussala, 2°13.63' S 10°23.67' E, 600 m, 16–18 March 2000 (S. van Noort); Prov. Woleu-Ntem 31.3 km 108° ESE Minvoul, 2°04.8'N 12°24.4' E, 600 m, 12 Feb 1998 (B.L. Fisher); GHANA: Enchi, 5°49.074' N, 2°49.466' W*, 28 May 1967 (D. Leston); Bunso nr. Tafo, 6°12' N, 1°49' W*, 30 July 1969 (D. Leston); Atewa, 6°10.000' N, 0°36.000' W*, 8 Aug 1964 (D. Leston)
Notes. This species has one of the longest scapes of any African Paratrechina (SL ≥ 0.9). It is most likely to be confused with P. lepida, but that is generally smaller in overall size and its cuticle is typically very smooth and shining.

Paratrechina impolitaThe photomontage is collated from Details as above.

See also

Oxford University Museum specimens

Paratrechina impolita
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
392 m; nuit, à vue, Sipo trap on tree at mid-trunk, camp de base lac 1, samuel

{Paratrechina impolita}The photomontage is of a worker from the Central African Republic;  Dzanga-Sangha; collectors P Annoyer & S Danflous (CAR PZ).

© 2012, 2014 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
