Diagnosis: Head
width less than 0.51 mm; brownish-yellow species, with
very short, angular propodeal dorsal face; all coxae the same colour.
Overall brownish-yellow, often with slightly darker head and gaster,
and always with distinctly lighter anten nae and legs; coxae all the
same colour; cuticle smooth and shining. Head with dense layer of short
pubescence; scapes surpass posterior margin by about length of first
2–3 funicular segments; scapes with scattered erect macrosetae (SMC =
13–20); head roughly quadrate in appearance with more angular-shaped
posterolateral corners present; posterior margin slightly emarginate
medially. Alitrunk with macrosetae of varying lengths on pronotum (PMC
= 2–5; MMC = 2); pubescence sparse with small patches on dorsum of
mesonotum and propodeum; metanotal area compact; dorsal face of
propodeum short and angular, slightly lower than mesonotum; declivitous
face distinctly longer than dorsal face. Gaster with scattered erect
macrosetae and dense layer of short pubescence giving gaster a somewhat
silky appearance.
Measurements (n
= 4): TL: 1.8–2.0; HW: 0.4–0.45; HL: 0.51–0.55;
EL: 0.11–0.13; SL: 0.54–0.59; PW: 0.3–0.33; WL: 0.54–0.62; GL:
Indices: CI:
78–82; REL: 22–24; SI: 125–135
The queen and male castes are currently unknown for this species.
Also collected in Nigeria,
Gambari, 18.vi.1969, B Bolton.