The Ants of Africa
Genus Paratrechina
Paratrechina silvula (LaPolla & Fisher)

Paratrechina silvula (LaPolla & Fisher)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Kenya (Nylanderia silvula, LaPolla & Fisher, 2011: 22, illustrated, worker, queen and male), from Kakamega Forest, Isecheno, Isecheno; 0.02° N, 34.97° E, 1800 m, 16 Oct 1999 (coll. R.R. Snelling) (LACM); 13 paratype workers, 1 paratype male, same label data as holotype (LACM, USNM .

Description. Overall dark reddish-brown, with slightly lighter mandibles and antennae; trochanters, mesocoxae, and meta-coxae yellowish to whitish; cuticle shining, with head, mesonotum (extending to mesopleuron), metanotal area, and propodeum rugulose. Posterior margin of head with rounded posterolateral corners, slightly emarginate medi- ally. Scapes surpass posterior margin by about length of the first 3–3.5 funicular segments; scapes extremely set- ose, with erect macrosetae of varying lengths and a layer of decumbent pubescence (SMC = 45–60). Mesosoma with erect setae of varying lengths (PMC = 3–7; MMC = 2–4); in profile, pronotum elongate, with a linear rise towards mesonotum; metanotal area elongate; dorsal face of propodeum dome-like, slightly higher to even with the mesonotum; dorsal face and declivitous face about the same length; propodeum with scattered short appressed to decumbent pubescence. Gaster shining, with abundant erect macrosetae.

Measurements (n = 8): TL 2.8–3.3 HW 0.63–0.73 HL 0.76–0.81 EL 0.18–0.21 SL 0.95–1.04 PW 0.45–0.51 WL 0.97–1.12 GL 1.04–1.35

Indices: CI 84–90 REL 22–26 SI 142–151

Sole location was as for holotype.

Paratrechina silvulaThe photomontage is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
