
The Bananas of Upland East Africa - D&E Trial at Rubale

Demonstration and evaluation trial at Rubale, Bukoba District

The site was a little distance away from the village centre, 65 km from Bukoba, at approximately 1198 m (3930 feet) asl. (Tanzania Grid Reference UP352232). Farmer Nicolous Simeon.

Planting started on 27.1.89 and was completed on 2.2.89, rain that morning was the first for some time.

As the plan shows the site was used for a modified trial with only F and FC treatments (the whole farm having been manured not long before). Ths was an area of poor bananas, with the site having been planted originally with manure but in severe decline. this probably was due more to poor soil fertility than to weevils or nematodes.

Evaluation on 27.6.89

Most plants in good condition, some rather small, sucker numbers counted. M = missing; D = dying; 1/2/3 = sucker numbers.

Evaluation and sub-plot treatment 26.7.89

FC2II and FC1II areas with second application of carbofuran 3.0 g a.i. Lowest row generally smaller

A final evaluation visit was made on 13.2.90.

Results from this site are among those in Table 3, Table 8, Table 9, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 5

Robusta coffee growing alongside trial plot

Local house at Rubale, showing dryness of the area, seen in June 1989.

©2000 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.

Visiting Academic in the Department of Life Science, University of Nottingham