


{shipley hall model}1. The History of Shipley Hall
2. The Shipley Estate until 1600
3. The Shipley Estate 1600 to 1729
4. The Shipley Estate 1729 to 1920
5. The Gardens at Shipley Hall
6. Estate Farms and families, 1600 to 1920
7. Coalmining at Shipley
8. The Nutbrook Canal
9. Railways at Shipley
10. Life in Victorian Shipley
11. Heanor and Ilkeston: Hosiery and Lace
12. Architecture of the Shipley Estate
13. Archaeology of Shipley Country Park
14. Mapperley Parish and Village
15. Miscellaneous industries at Shipley
16. Development of the Shipley landscape
17. The influence of the Miller Mundy family in 19th Century politics
18. Compilation of a database on historical landowners and others.

Many of the leaflets and other examples of the team's work are reproduced on linked pages from the images on the right below.

The History of Shipley Hall

Work largely completed and a leaflet, The History of Shipley Hall, to accompany the Hall model and display in theVisitor Centre, was printed and put on sale. Authored mainly done by P. lbbotson. Artwork by K. Kinton and P. Norton.

The Shipley Estate until 1600

Proposal: - A study of the estate owners and other available information, from Domesday to 1600 AD.

A comprehensive study of source material, e.g. early monastic charters, lay subsidy rolls, and Fines, was completed and considerable archive material (mainly photocopies, translations from Latin/early English and summaries) assembled. A leaflet, The Shipley Estate until 1600, was printed - Authored principally by P. Ibbotson, aided by B. Taylor. Leaflet artwork by L. Sawyer..

Research papers on various aspects were produced; for example, The Earliest Days, 1000 AD to 1300 AD.

{History of Shipley Hall leaflet} {till 1600 leaflet}

The Shipley Estate, 1600 to 1729

Proposal: A study of the estate owners, buildings, etc. in the transition period between the Strelley and Miller Mundy families.

An in-depth study of source material, e.g. documents in CROs (Derbys. and Notts.), wills and. inventories, etc., was made and archive material assembled. A leaflet, The Shipley Estate. 1600 to 1729 was printed and a similarly titled research paper written. Authorship principally by P. Ibbotson. Artwork by P. Norton.

The Shipley Estate, 1729 to 1920

Proposal: A study of the Miller Mundy period of ownership.

A study of source material, e.g. documents in CROs (Derbys. and Notts.), was made, archive material was assembled and research papers on the era were written. Work mainly carried out by P. lbbotson, P. Wordsworth and S. Quill.

{1600-1729 leaflet}

The Gardens at Shipley Hall

Research on the layout and planting of the successive gardens adjacent to the Hall was completed. An illustrated booklet, The Gardens of Shipley Hall, was printed and a detailed artist's impression of the last gardens wascompleted. The latter was to be linked to the restoration/re-creation plans for the so-called "Italian Garden". Authorship by B. Taylor. Artwork by P. Norton and J. Truman.

{gardens booklet}

Estate farms and families, 1600 to 1920

Proposal: Using estate rent lists, census returns and farming diaries, etc., to prepare educational material.

Most of the necessary research was completed but utilisation of the material was not possible. Work undertaken by P. Wordsworth.

Coalmining at Shipley

Proposal: The documentation of the major industry of Shipley and surrounding areas.

Considerable research material, especially from NCB sources, was assembled. Later (post-1890s) material was used for an exhibition mounted at the Visitor Centre. Work was done on educational texts and a leaflet but that remained incomplete. Work done by J. Figg and P. Ibbotson. Exhibition artwork by L. Sawyer.

The Nutbrook Canal

Research, using a published text and archival material, led to production of a printed leaflet, The Nutbrook Canal, production of a slide-tape/video presentation and production of an accompanying small exhibition (at the Visitor Centre). A draft cartoon style school sheet was prepared as a bromide for teachers to photocopy. Authorship by R. Thornhill. Leaflet artwork by L. Sawyer. Exhibition display by P. Norton. Audio-visual presentation by N. Rathbone. A3 size Cartoon drawn by M. Edwards.

Railways at Shipley

Proposal: To prepare educational material on the railways which arose primarily from the need to freight coal.

A leaflet, The History of Shipley Railways, was printed. Authorship by E. Suggett. Artwork by P. Norton.

{canal leaflet} {Canal Cartoon} {railway leaflet}

Life in Victorian Shipley

A leaflet, Life in Victorian Shipley, based on archival material was printed and put on sale at the Visitor Centre. A draft cartoon style school sheet was prepared in a bromide form for teachers to photocopy. Authorship by P. Wordsworth. Leaflet artwork by L. Sawyer. A3 size Cartoon by M. Edwards.

Heanor and Ilkeston: Hosiery and Lace

Considerable research material was assembled. A leaflet, Heanor and Ilkeston: Hosiery and Lace, was printed and an accompanying exhibition mounted at the Visitor Centre. Authorship by E Keeley and J. Roberts. Leaflet and exhibition artwork done by L. Sawyer.

{Victorian Shipley leaflet} {Victorian Shipley Cartooon} {Lace leaflet}

Architecture of the Shipley Estate

Proposal: To catalogue and photograph all surviving buildings constructed for the Shipley Estate.

A leaflet, The Architecture of the Shipley Estate, was printed and an associated exhibition completed for the Visitor Centre. A full set of documented photographs was assembled to accompany educational exercise material. Work performed by K. Smith, J. Brooks and B. Taylor. Extensive photography by A. Thornhill. Leaflet artwork by J. Truman. Exhibition artwork by P. Norton.

Archaeology of Shipley Country Park

A survey of several areas of the Park, noticeably Shipley Hill, together with limited exploratory excavation work, was undertaken during Year One. A report on this was written. Work carried out by K. Glasswell and F. Mountford.

{1600-1729 leaflet}

Mapperley Parish and Village

From archival material, maps and census data, information on land. ownership from Domesday to 1920 was assembled. Utilisation of this material was in the form of research papers. Work undertaken by B. Taylor (pre-1600) and P. Wordsworth and E. Suggett (post-1600).

{Mapperley Parish}

Development of the Shipley Landscape

Proposal: To elucidate the influences prevailing historically on the Shipley landscape.

All available information on this was gathered and a summary report written. Work done by S. Smith, A. Clark, P. Rhodes and G. Revill.

The influence of the Miller Mundy family in 19th Century politics

Proposal: Using family letters and contemporary newspaper reports to prepare educational study material on the role and influence of the Miller Mundy family members in 19th Century politics.

Research was largely completed and compilation of educational study material was partially completed. Work undertaken by S. Quill and E. Suggett; early studies by A. Draycott, P. Wordsworth and G. Revill.

Compilation of a history database for BBC computer

Proposal: To compile a computer database on landowners and other historical personages associated with Shipley and Mapperley. To be done for a BBC computer using the Acorn Viewsort software.

A database was completed. This comprised five discs; a programmes disc and four data discs (for AD 1000 to AD 1200; AD 1200 to AD 1300; AD 1300-1500; and AD 1500-1700). Work on database by B. Taylor, in conjunction with Education service Software Centre. Basic information assembled by scheme historians.

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