

Presentation Team

The section did much work to support the efforts of all the research and study groups. This list is of work completed that was primarily the sole product of the Presentation section.

A leaflet, Shipley Country Park Map, was put on sale at the Visitor Centre; designed by L. Sawyer. A large scale replacement map for the park information boards was created (additional artwork by A. Rowell) and examples were installed at Derby Lodge and Mapperley Reservoir. {map leaflet cover}
A relief model of the Park was made for display at the Visitor Centre (foreground right). Design and construction by S. Garner and C. Scott. Artwork completed by P. Norton.

Model of Hall and associated buildings

1. Permanent 1:50 scale model of Shipley Hall with associated exhibition, designed by K. Kinton, with artwork by G. Davis. Completed and mounted at Visitor Centre, May 1986 (behind right).

{models at Visitor Centre}
2. Card Cut-out model of Shipley Hall, designed by K. Kinton, artwork by G. Davis. On sale at Visitor Centre.

3. Card Cut-out model of Stable Yard, with base to accompany the Hall model. Research work and artwork by I. Quill. Printed for sale.

{Hall cutout} {Stable cutout
4. Card Cut-out 3-D diorama model of Shipley Hall, 1905, designed by P. Norton, on sale at Visitor Centre. {cutout diorama}
Perspective drawings

1. Shipley Hall and Gardens, for display panel and/or exhibition, also centrepiece of booklet on the Gardens of Shipley Hall. Preliminary artwork by P. Robson. Final design and artwork completed by P. Norton.

2. Shipley Country Park with footpaths, bridleways, etc., preliminary sketches.

{Hall vista}
Military Men of Shipley, a set of cut out models was printed. Preliminary research and trial artwork done by M. Edwards. Cutout model format being completed by P. Norton.

Costumes of Shipley, a cut-out set of costumes worn by the ladies of Shipley was designed and made available in a bromide format for school teachers to use by photocopying. Research undertaken by K. Smith and design work by J. Truman.

{Military Men cutout} {Costumes cutout}

Information Sheet (blanks for overprinting) Printed, three colours of paper.

Christmas card Designed by P. Norton. Printed and put on sale at the Visitor Centre.

{christmas card}

Publicity Posters

General Shipley Country Park full colour, A3 size, poster designed by P. Norton.

Wayfaring Course poster, designed by P. Norton and reproduced by photocopying, in circulation.

{poster}{wayfaring poster}
A4 Sheet of the Countryside Code Designed for use in education pack, artwork finished and in bromide form for use by photocopying. Artwork by L. Sawyer and A. Rowell.

{country code leaflet}
Shipley Park Crossword Designed for education pack, artwork finished.

Exhibition on Ranger Service and allied activities. Material and photographs gathered, for completion by Ranger Service.

Designs for trail marker posts Sketches of several designs prepared by P. Norton.

Mapping of Bellpits in Shipley Wood

An educational exercise involving a South Derbyshire F.E. College student and I. Quill. Fieldwork completed and map presentation drawn.

Shipley Country Park Colouring Book

Children's colouring book printed. Artwork by A. Rowell.

{colouring book cover}

Audio-visual presentations

Shipley Country Park (& general presentation)

Proposal: To produce a largely pictorial outline of the history and most important features of the park for public display purposes. A presentation of 10 minutes duration, prepared initially in slide-tape format and transferred to video. Compilation by N. Rathbone and D. Stonier.

{wildlifevideo}The wildlife of Shipley Country Park

Proposal: To illustrate the major habitats in the park and to discuss both their importance and the need for conservation. Video film produced by N. Rathbone and D. Stonier, with technical guidance from J. Holmes. Two versions were produced; one of 10 minutes in duration for general usage and the other of 25 minutes in duration for schools usage.

The History of Shipley Country Park - past and present

Proposal: To use historical photographs, line drawings and re-enactment to show the history of Shipley, particularly in the 19th century. A video film was produced, involving a local primary school. Film designed and scripted by N. Rathbone, D. Stonier and scheme historians.

The Nutbrook Canal

Originally in a slide-tape format but put onto video. Research by R. Thornhill. Production by C. Scott and N. Rathbone.


The three team photographers made a considerable photographic record of the natural history of the Country Park and events at the park, spanning the full two years of the scheme, using both 35 mm slide and print formats. Copies were made of many monochrome historical prints and these were catalogued.


The maintenance staff, notably G. Lockwood, completed a number of carpentry jobs, such as display boards and cabinets and nesting boxes for wild birds. Minor decorative improvements also were undertaken.

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