Pheidole abyssinica Forel - new status
Type location Ethiopia
(Pheidole caffra Emery subsp. abyssinica n. subsp., Forel 1910c:
254, major & minor) - see below junior synonym (here)
amoena (Pheidole
caffra Em. v. amoena
n. var., Forel, 1911d: 365, major) from Eritrea - see
(1910c) description is at . Forel's (1911d) description of amoena
is at . Santschi (1939b) gave an illustrated
comparison of the type caffra with montivaga and abyssinica,
this is at .
The last indicates that abyssinica is not a
subspecies of Pheidole
caffra. The photomontage below shows this to be correct and I
regard it as a separate species. The elongated shape of the head with
very short scapes; overall sculpturation becoming reticulate on the
occiput; and the postpetiole which is a laterally widened narrow oval
in doral view, are all quite different from caffra. The modern
specimens match the Forel descriptions. The arrangement of
hypostomal teeth on the major place it with megacephala.
There is a quandary, however. The supposed cotype
worker from the Smithsonian Institute collection, which is matched by
the fresh majors I show from Ethiopia and Sudan, differs from the
Antweb major, labelled as a type from the Forel collection. The
colour distortion typical of almost all Antweb images does not help but
that major is some 18% larger in all aspects, has distinctly longer
propodeal spines and appears to have a laterally elongated postpetiole
in dorsal view. The Antweb type minor also differs from the Ethiopia
minor worker that I show, most notably in the shape of the head.
The photomontage of a
type major worker is collated
TL ca 6 mm, HL 2.0, HW 1.92 (Forel TL 4.5-5.5 mm,
HL 2.0, HW 1.7)
The photomontage of a
type minor worker is collated
TL ca 2.8 mm, HL 0.64, HW 0.54, CI 90, SI 132
The photomontage of a
cotype major (HL 1.83, HW 1.5) is collated from The
Smithsonian Institute images at
where the label is erroneous.
The photomontage is of
a minor from Ethiopia, sent to me
by Peter Hlavac and in his personal collection.
The photomontage is of
a male from the same collection in Ethiopia, sent to me
by Peter Hlavac and in his personal collection. May be Pheidole caffra.