Pheidole scabriuscula Gerstäcker
Type location Tanzania
(Pheidole scabriuscula n. sp.,
Gerstäcker, 1871: 356, minor) Endara (Ndara?), v.d. Decken - no images
on Antweb (November 2014)
Minor only
described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Gerstäcker's (1871) description of the minor (Oper.) is
at . TL 3.75 mm;
mandible with mostly weak teeth (?); pronotum rounded, "bicallous"
dorsally, propodeum well developed,
with acute spines; dark red, piceous, covered with
granulous-puncturation; gaster black and shiny; seems not dissimilar to
Pheidole rohani
Rufo-picea, confertim granoso-punctula, parce setulosa,
fere opaca, mandibulis pleurisque dilutioribus, abdomine nigricante,
nitido: prothorace rotundato, supra bicalloso, metanoto fortiter
rugoso, acute bispinoso.
The photomontage of a
type minor worker (?) is collated
from Note: although the focol notes on origin are correct, the colour is not rufo-piceous, so the true identity seems questionable.
Oxford University Museum
specimens not correct
Pheidole scabriuscula
B Taylor det.
A Pauly
Abijata N.P.
7°30' N
38°30' E
1635 m
Yellow pan trap
Pheidole scabriuscula
B Taylor det. |
Awatif Omer
Wad alaieiz
13˚09'0" N
33˚56'0" E
transect m
major worker
The photomontage is
a major worker from Sudan; collector Awatif Omer (2014.07.02).
The overall appearance, with quite dense sculpturation
and abundant erect hairs seems close to the minor worker below.
TL ca 3.2 mm, HL 0.81, HW 0.67, SL 0.97, PW 0.42; CI 86,
SI 150; PPI (postpetiole width over postpetiole length) 125.
It shares general characters, such as the narrow
anterior to the head in full face view and the abundance of erect
hairs, with Pheidole foreli
but this is notably smaller and much more densely sculptured.
The photomontage is
a minor worker from Ethiopia; collector A Pauly. This appears
to be close to the limited type description.
TL ca 3.2 mm, HL 0.81, HW 0.67, SL 0.97, PW 0.42; CI 86,
SI 150; PPI (postpetiole width over postpetiole length) 125.
PPI of rohani
is 150.