Pheidole tenuinodis Mayr
Type location South
Africa (Pheidole
tenuinodis nov. spec., Mayr, 1901b: 10, major & minor;
Arnold, 1920a: 430,
queen) Bothaville - see below
bothae (Pheidole
Foreli Mayr r. Bothae
n. stirps, Forel, 1901h: 62, major & minor;
race of tenuinodis, Santschi,
1914e: 22, queen, record not description) from South Africa - no images
on Antweb (February 2016)
robusta (Pheidole
tenuinodis Mayr var. robusta
n. var., Stitz,
1923: 154, all forms) from Namibia - no images on Antweb
(February 2016)
? sipapomae
(Pheidole tenuinodis, Mayr,
var. sipapomae, n. v.,
Arnold, 1920a: 430, major & minor) from Zimbabwe - see
major, minor and queen described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Mayr's (1901b) description is at . Arnold's (1920a) translation and
description of the queen is at . Forel's (1901h) description of bothae
is at .
Arnold's (1920a) description of sipapomae
is at .
Stitz's (1923) description of robusta
is at .
The range of specimens I now have show a variation in
colour from the type red-brown to quite dark brown. This is shown
by samples collected separately but within the same countries. The
morphology, however, seems identical in the case of both major and
minor workers.