The Ants of Africa
Genus Phrynoponera Phrynoponera sveni (Forel)
Phrynoponera sveni (Forel)
Type location Zaïre (Pachycondyla
(Bothroponera) Sveni n. sp., Forel, 1916: 398, worker) see below
Worker only described (see
1995) .
Forel's (1916) description is at - .
A strongly marked species,characterised by long
antennae, toothless clypeus and slender upwardly turned propodeal
Wheeler (1922) wrote of three specimens from Medje,
Zaïre (Lang and Chapin collection) as agreeing perfectly with Forel's
description but showing a beautiful blue opalescence on the declivity
of the propodeum (epinotum), sides of the petiole and the whole surface
of the postpetiole.
The photomontage of a specimen from Central African
Republic is
collated from
Collection Information: Prefecture Sangha-Mbaéré: Parc National
Dzanga-Ndoki, 37.9 km 169° S Lidjombo; 02°22'14"N 016°10'21"E 360 m;
Collection codes: BLF04130; Collected by: B.L.Fisher; Habitat:
rainforest; Date: 20-28 May 2001; Method: EC19 sifted litter; Transect
Type: MW 50 sample transect, 5m; Transect Sample #: 48