Platythyrea tenuis Emery
Type location Cameroun (Platythyrea tenuis n. sp., Emery,
1899e: 467, worker & queen) collected by Conradt
worker and queen
described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Emery's (1899e) description is at .
Brown (1975: 45) was able to locate only the type series
and described a lectotype (or cotype) worker for description:-
WORKER - TL 5.50 mm, HL 1.10, HW 0.90, SL 0.76, PW 0.68; CI 83, SI 83.
The African counterpart of P. parallella but with larger eyes
situated further forward. Mandibles finely but distinctly toothed.
Antennal scapes not quite reaching occipital border. Margin or angle
complete along top of propodeal declivity. Petiole longer, 0.63, than
wide, 0.49; posterior margin with two blunt teeth.
The photomontage of the type worker is
collated from
illustration of parallela (from the Indo-Australian region)
provided by Brown is included here (right) for comparison.
Oxford University Museum
Platythyrea tenuis
B Taylor det.
Ivory Coast
Erena Dupont
Taļ National Park
5˚45'00" N
7˚07'00" W
Platythyrea tenuis
B Taylor det. |
Ivory Coast
Erena Dupont
Taļ National Park
5˚45'00" N
7˚07'00" W
photomontage is of a worker from Ivory Coast, Tai National
Park; collector Erena Dupont, ii.2014
TL ca 7.5 mm, HL 1.50, HW 1.23, SL 1.11, PW 0.67; CI 86, SI 87.
Anterior dorsal margin of gaster segment 2 has a
distinctive shallow triangular shape which cannot be assessed on the
type image. When overlayed and scaled to match the type and Ivory
Coast specimens differ solely in size the latter being some 125% larger
photomontage is of a worker from Ivory Coast, Tai National
Park; collector Erena Dupont, iii.2014